New Divide: 54

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Walking amongst aisles of bookcases which near enough reached the ceiling, it was safe to say that Charles had lost his two no longer reclusive friends.

After leaving the café it seemed like some bright spark – Margo – thought it would be a good idea to venture into a nearby book shop. She failed to wholly notice that this book shop was unlike others which had sprouted up. This shop had age, the books on the shelves had cracked spines from years of use, the pages of some were yellowed from the years they had spent in existence. This was definitely his sort of book shop, not that he didn't already own quite a few that he had spied, but that wasn't the point.

He wasn't alone in appreciating the quiet surroundings, a few people stood in the aisles holding books and flicking through them. None of them looked up to pay him any attention, to them he was just another shopper looking around.

There was a quiet seating area which consisted of a few tables and cushioned chairs, in one of these Hank sat with his legs stretched out in front of him and a magnitude of books on a table close to him. He was already flicking through a rather thick looking book, he seemed rather consumed by it already so Charles opted to turn and continue walking around.

He wasn't exactly looking for anything to buy. In truth he did not bring that much money out with him. Between them all they just about had enough money to pay for their coffees. Anything else would be stretching it thin.

Looking up at the ceiling Charles continued on his way and extended his arm to trail his hands across the books. Noticing a gap in the shelves he stopped. Leaning forwards he narrowed his eyes playfully at the pair which was peeking through.

He managed to tilt his head at an angle to see the floor on the other side. With a frown he crossed his arms. “Feet firmly on the floor please, Margo.”

“No one else is present.”

“That's not the point.”

“True, the point is if I had my feet on the floor, how could I continue to sneak around?”

“That's not the point I was getting at.” He said flatly while moving away and continuing on his way. He just heard a groan and a sigh and then the quiet sounds of feet landing on the floor. He turned the corner and looked down the aisle, of course she was no longer there.

Feeling a pat on his shoulder he turned around, reaching up quickly he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her downwards so her feet were on the floor again. Margo let out another irritated groan. “Stop being boring.”

“I'm not being boring, I’m being cautious and it seems one of us has to be considering you're not.” Charles narrowed his eyes at her. Margo just looked up at him plainly. He frowned and shook his head, he didn't need to be a mind reader at this point in time to know that she was thinking a string of irritated orientated thoughts about him, or involving him, and or directed at his person.

“I've counted that there's seven people in here. Two are in the first aisle, three are sitting with Hank, the other two are behind the counter, because they work here. No one is down this end, just let me have this little nugget of freedom.”

“Tell me,” Charles looked at her curiously. “What would you do if one of them suddenly came down here and saw you hovering off of the floor?”

“Why Charles, didn't you know? I’m magic.” Margo smirked and walked past him. “That or I have found enlightenment and can levitate. Isn't that a thing? Inner peace and levitation?” She asked while looking over her shoulder at him. She scoffed at her words though. “I sure as heck haven't found enlightenment or inner, I don't know...”

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