New Divide: 22

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Shutting the door behind him, Sebastian Shaw stared at the startled group of teenagers in front of him. Azazel and Janos Quested - Riptide – stood in front of the two windows that they had both broken. They were keeping guard there in case anyone decided to do something silly.

“Where's the telepath?” Sebastian's voice asked coolly.

“Not here,” Azazel replied simply while looking over to him.

“Too bad. Well, at least I can take this silly thing off.” He said casually while leaning over and pulling the helmet off of his head. He simply brushed a hand through his brown hair before smiling lightly at the huddled group which, as yet, hadn't really moved from the wall.

“Good evening. My name is Sebastian Shaw. And I am not here to hurt you.” He smiled while walking away from the door and towards the group. There was an exclaim from outside, a lone armed man had appeared from somewhere but he didn't remain standing for long before Azazel vanished from the room and appeared behind the man. With one quick motion he drew the knife across the man's neck, Sebastian looked over still smiling and then looked back to the group.

“My friends, there's a revolution coming.” He paused to pass Janos the helmet, he took it from him and stepped to the side. “When mankind discovers who we are, what we can do, each of us will face a choice. Be enslaved or rise up to rule.” He said while pointing to the group then to himself. His earlier smile disappeared only to reappear at the mere thought of ruling. “Choose freely, but know that if you are not with us, then by definition, you are against us.” He said turning deadly serious on the matter. “So, you can stay and fight for the people who hate and fear you. Or you can join me, and live like kings, and queens.” He said while holding out a hand.

“Angel?” Raven she questioned her quietly. Angel had placed her hand in Sebastian's and was pulled gently away from the rest of them.

“Are you kiddin' me?” Sean said while looking to the pair.

“Come on. We don't belong here. And that's nothing to be ashamed of.” She said her voice breaking slightly as she looked to the people that she had just grown to slowly know.

“We have to do something,” Raven said quietly when Angel refused to take Darwin's hand and come back, but instead continued to walk off with Sebastian. Janos followed after the pair and climbed through the broken window to stand outside in the fresh evening.

“What though?” Margo whispered while looking up to her friend. The two looked at each other before looking to Darwin who turned and looked at them all. Alex shook his head as he took a step back. Alex did try and stop him only to get shoved away.

“Stop,” Darwin said while moving away from them. “I'm coming with you.” He said while walking towards the broken window and jumping over the windowsill to join Angel's side. Angel smiled at the sight of someone else joining her, and her smile was shared by Sebastian who looked more than pleased with Darwin joining too.

“Good choice,” he said while moving away from Azazel and Angel to go greet him. “So tell me about your mutation.” He said generally interested.

“Well I adapt to survive,” Darwin said casually while behind him the remaining group finally moved away from the wall and stood in the middle of the room looking out. “So I guess I’m coming with you.”

“I like that,” Sebastian smirked and gave a small nod of his head. He turned sidewards and gestured an arm behind him. Darwin moved slowly forwards and stood by Angel's side. “Alex.” Darwin said lowly yet seriously.

“Get down!” Alex exclaimed and sent a blast straight towards the group.

With ease Sebastian reached up and seemed to hold onto it. Darwin had grabbed Angel and sheltered her from any wayward blasts. “Protecting your fellow mutants? It's a noble gesture, feels good.” Sebastian said while absorbing Alex's attack and turning around just to block the attack Darwin sent his way. Reaching out and grabbing onto Darwin's face, Sebastian sighed, “Adapt to this.” He whispered while lifting up his other hand. He had channelled the absorbed power into his finger tips and he sent it straight into Darwin's mouth. The red glow travelled down his throat and he gave a painful shudder. Turning Sebastian simply walked back to where his comrades were standing. As Darwin stood and shuddered, they disappeared. Darwin's power was trying to kick in to save his life, to let him adapt to the thing which had just been injected into him, yet it wasn't working. Turning from metal to stone, Darwin looked slowly over to where Alex was still standing. Alex's expression turned blank as Darwin lifted up a hand to deter him from walking out to him. In moments the red glare within him totally engulfed him.


Returning back to chaos, rumble and scattering people wasn't exactly what Charles, or Erik expected. Charles wasted no time in running lightly past the clusters of debris to find where everyone was. They were safe, sitting outside on the stony benches.

“Raven!” He exclaimed and watched as she shot up and walked forwards to wrap her arms tightly around him. Letting go of each other, he took a step forwards and leant down to appear in Margo's line of vision. She was sitting leaning her chin against her knees which were pulled to her chest. Blinking slowly she looked up at him. Straightening herself out she reached out and placed her arms around him, he got slightly pulled forwards a step from the sudden action, but he held onto her lightly before pulling back.

Stepping back beside Raven, he looked over everyone. “We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately.” He said while putting his hands in his pockets.

“We're not going home.” Alex said firmly.

“What?” Charles questioned sounding confused.

“He's not going back to prison.” Sean said while casually glancing up at the blonde sitting beside him.

“They killed Darwin,” Alex said in an annoyed tone.

“All the more reason for you to leave. This is over.” He said while looking from Sean then to Alex.

“Darwin's dead, Charles. And we can't bury him.” Raven said from his side quietly, the others nodded and looked up at the pair. Charles seemed conflicted by this as he looked from those sitting in front of him to his sister.

“We can avenge him.” Erik said from the side. Everyone's heads snapped up to look in his direction.

Charles sighed and moved forwards, “Word please, Erik.” He said quietly. Erik turned slowly and walked after him simply. They didn't move too far away, just enough distance was between them and the rest of the group so none could eavesdrop into their conversation.

“They're just kids.” He said – though by and by excluding Margo who was close to their ages – he looked to Erik as he stopped by his side.

“No,” Erik said firmly. “They were kids. Shaw has his army, we need ours.” Erik said lowly while not looking away from Charles, he on the other hand sighed heavily and looked anywhere but up at him. He didn't answer him, but he turned on his heels and looked to everyone. Sensing that they had finished their conversation everyone dared to look up at the two.

“We have to train,” Charles declared, some more than others that was for sure yet he didn't voice this. “All of us. Yes?” He said seriously while looking at everyone expectantly. It seemed the prospect of training caused them to straighten up and look to him with either confusion, or hesitation. Even beside him Erik turned and looked down at him with a mixture of both.

“Yeah,” Alex said with a nod.

“Well, we can't stay here.” Hank stated rather obviously. The whole place was more or less destroyed. “Even if they reopen the department, it's not safe.” Hank paused. “We have nowhere to go.”

Thinking for a moment, Charles smiled. “Yes, we do.” This just caused everyone to look at him confused again.

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