New Divide: 53

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Margo out of all three of them, seemed the most happy and excited to be out. Hank was more reserved on the matter, he was forever hesitantly looking people over. And when people received his looks they'd send odd ones right back at him. Charles for the most part seemed to outrank Hank's reservations.

It wasn't that he was opposed to being out. He was more opposed with knowing the two of them were to go out and leave him in the manor on his own. The thought of being on his own in that large space caused him to feel uneasy. He had grown so accustomed to the endless voices and laughter and bustling of students, that now that it was silent it was almost haunting. It was daunting and it was something he didn't much wish to be subjected to, not now or ever really.

It wasn't just that. Students had said that they were to go out and not return. He could openly admit that he did not know what happened to them. More often than not he presumed their parents had picked them up. That the students had spoken to them in private and asked for them to come and collect them. Yet to save his feelings they met elsewhere and not at the manor.

It was patronising to say the least, and it was something which caused him to frown deeply and continue along behind Margo and Hank.

He couldn't help but dwell however over the programs Margo had alerted him to. He did briefly research what the British Government were doing in regards to the growing mutant problem, but most times he came to a dead end.

It would stand to reason however that if the British were jumping to these measures, the American one would be doing much the same. Charles honestly didn't want to think of the children being spirited away by black suited government officials, but more times than he'd like to admit it was the conclusion his mind settled on.

He was most sure that if the parents had collected their children, the children would have sent word. Despite it all this was something he was sure of. Yet he had heard nothing. Before deciding to take the serum he had tried tracking some down to find their whereabouts only to fail. He was blocked. Not blocked as such, just there was nothing there. It was as if they had been erased. And yet again, as much as he hated to come to the conclusion, if he couldn't find someone either they were of a higher power level than himself or they were dead. For all pretence and purposes a corpse could not give off any signals for him to link to.

Coming back to reality he realized that Margo and Hank had stopped and were staring into a shop window. The window itself was littered with numerous types and models of televisions. All different shapes and sizes yet all were showing current war reports on the news.

With a resounding sigh Charles moved off. Even from far away he could have heard the pain which this war was inflicting, but now there was none of that. For the most part, he was just like everyone else. He looked like everyone else, and though struggling at the moment he could act rather normal. Missing out the detail of needing to keep up with the serum in take then yes, he could pass for an everyday person.

Frowning slightly he looked over towards his two no longer reclusive companions. Hank was the same, when he pondered over it, he could now pass for a normal person. Strangers wouldn't know what he was or what he could do unless they truly knew him. And shuffling along by his side pouting lightly with her hands in her pockets was Margo, the only non-using serum user now in the company.

He didn't have to have his powers active to know that she was not pleased with this development. She could seemingly understand Hank's need for it, but his...not so much. She clearly saw him being selfish in some regard. She honestly would think otherwise if she had the barrage of voices he suddenly found himself suffering with on a daily basis since the school slowly emptied out.

“You know what we need?” Margo's voice suddenly popped up by his side. Charles looked at her with thoughtfully narrowed eyes, which she just retorted with with a smile.

“If you say a shopping trip, I am turning around and going home right this second.” Charles replied and got an agreeing nod from Hank. Clearly the thought of traipsing around after Margo as she shopped to her hearts content was not what he wanted from his day out.

“Pfft,” Margo waved a hand at him before linking her arm with his and her other one with Hank's. “Coffee, you both look half asleep and bored and...well, if I’m going to be honest, wishing you were anywhere but out here. Coffee will do some good. Or at least, it'll make you both more lively and chatty.” Margo said while tugging both males in the direction of a small café.

“Are we not lively and chatty enough for you, Margo?” Charles couldn't help but smirk as she let go of their arms to push open the door. The little bell above jingled cheerily as they entered the building.

She let out a short laugh and looked at him while walking to a booth. “I could have a better conversation with a dead fish.”

“I'd like to see that happen.” Hank said while sitting in the seat opposite to them while readjusting his glasses.

“Hm,” Charles leant against the table, placing his chin against his hand he nodded slowly and thoughtfully. Sending a sidewards smile Margo's way he received a playful punch to the shoulder. “If I know anyone who'd give it a good try, it'd be Margo.” And with that he received another hit to the arm this time while a waitress stopped by their table eyeing them all rather strangely, she had after all just interrupted a minor moment happening.


(A/N: Hello! I’m trying so very hard to get as many updates in as I can before Christmas, and tbh, I’ve been slacking on this again: sorry. But tbh, I’m still trying to bridge the gap to DoFP. I’m hoping to either crop up one last time tomorrow or reappear the first weekend after Christmas or the first Monday! But if I don't reappear: HAPPY CHRISTMAS IN ADVNACE!!! I hope you all have a brilliant day, with lots and lots of badass awesome presents, don't eat too much and those who are old enough: don't drink too much, you'll seriously regret it, lay off the mulled wine, that stuff can be potent shiz...oh well! Thanks and bye! xD)

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