New Divide: 26

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Flight was an interesting concept, Margo decided. It was also a lot different to how she had envisioned. True to his words, Hank was right. Though the suit didn't add to her ability, it didn't weigh her down. She found splitting through clouds and through the air to be as easy as walking. Turning so she was on her back she looked to the vast blue space above her. It was peaceful up here. Quiet, and peaceful. And she realized she really didn't wish to come down. Sighing and pulling to a stop she looked to the grassy ground below her. She hadn't left the estate. She had stayed close. She was just so high above that people would have to squint to see her.

If she dared to go any higher the oxygen level would plummet and she'd find herself flailing and falling. She'd managed to find the right altitude to be. Oddly enough she thought that when she'd be up in the air, she'd be afraid. She was terribly high up after all. She was grateful though that vertigo didn't kick in, or motion sickness.

Sighing again she slowly lowered herself to the ground. She opted to land at a distance so she could walk back to the house and think about what to say. "Sorry might be a start," she mumbled to herself. Frowning she crossed her arms. "Not to Alex." She decided, she deserved an apology from him, but shutting him out of her training lesson was nothing to be sorry for.

Walking quickly up the small bank she looked to the house in front of her. Turning and sitting down she crossed her arms over her knees. Leaning her chin against them she shut her eyes. It was still peaceful here, she could briefly hear laughter from within the building behind her, but she paid little mind to it.

"And so you return," a voice said from behind her. She shot up and looked towards the owner, Erik pushed away from the wall and walked over to her smiling lightly. "Welcome back." Tilting her head to the side she frowned. She opened her mouth to speak only to get beat to it. "Charles is fine. Knowing him a bump to the head would result in his intelligence perhaps growing, instead of diminishing." Erik joked and stopped a little in front of her.

"Were you watching out for my return?" She asked sceptically.

"No." Erik rolled his eyes. "I just so happened to see your return." Margo nodded and looked down at the ground. "There seems to be quite a bit of anger in you."

"Hm, I would like to think I'm not naturally an angry person, just...I get annoyed easily. I think it stems doesn't matter," she laughed and waved a hand at him. He wouldn't want to hear her rather pathetic past.

"Go on," Erik nodded. Margo looked at him confused. "You started an explanation, you may as well finish it."

"It stems from the lack of socialising I've had over my life. I escaped from a mental hospital not that long ago, and Charles and Raven are the first people I've met since escaping. As such, they're also the only people I've got some social skills with. Alex may have been joking, regardless it still annoyed me and a part of me needed to silence him somehow. So I shut him out, or in." She frowned thinking over it.

Erik stood and registered what she said. Giving a nod he uncrossed his arms and gestured to the building behind him. "Shall we? I do believe you have been missed." Margo walked up to stand by his side, she looked at him oddly. "I am not joking." He said while starting to move forwards, she sighed and walked quickly after him.

Upon entering Erik pointed along the hallway to where the study was. Margo shook her head, he narrowed his eyes. "Before I do anything I'm going to change." She said seriously, and seemingly for the first time Erik noticed what she was wearing and gave a nod. She darted off and cheated halfway through running up the stairs, so instead she took to hovering up them and along the corridor to her room, or at least the one she had been given.

Walking in quietly she shut the door behind her just as quietly and pulled off her boots and the suit and placed it over the chair near the desk. Pulling out a baggy dark jumper she quickly pulled her vest from earlier on before pulling it on over top. Reaching out and grabbing a pair of trousers she tugged them on.

Walking out of the room she managed to quietly pad her way down the stairs, having bare feet caused her footsteps to not make a sound. She raised an eyebrow, Erik was still standing waiting for her. When she reached his side he nodded, she slowly walked in front of him and got pulled to a stop when they reached a partially closed door.

Erik pushed it open, "Look who I found." He nudged Margo forwards as Charles shot up from the chair, the book he was reading got quickly thrown onto the seat as he walked forwards.

"It is good to see you again." He said cheerily, much to her confusion. She looked him up and down and even moved into the room to walk around him. Charles just smiled, "I am all right, didn't I say so earlier?"

"Excuse me if I don't believe you." She said quietly while taking a step back when he went to put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

He just smiled and nodded at Erik. "Thank you."

"I didn't really do anything. I just thought that if she was going to sneak her way in, you'd want to see her first. I merely made sure this happened." Erik shrugged and turned to leave them alone.

"Come," Charles moved forwards and exited the room. "You've been gone for quite some time, you must be hungry." Margo looked at him oddly before slowly moving forwards. She followed him down the corridor in silence.

Walking into the kitchen she sat at the large dinning table and crossed her arms against it. Leaning her chin on her arms she watched as he took to trying to find her something to eat. Everyone had eaten earlier on, he was sure there'd be something left over for Margo though.

"How can you act normally?" She questioned while watching him.

He stopped and looked over to her. "How else do you expect me to act? I am not angry with you, Margo, far from it, though yes, I do ache but that's a minor thing." He laughed while finishing what he was doing and walking over to her. "Here," sitting down opposite to her he placed a plate in front of her. Admittedly a sandwich was all that was really available food wise. Not that she seemed to mind. Fidgeting upright she reached out for it. She twirled the plate around and sighed. "Come on, after I pushed the boundaries of my culinary knowledge you can't tell me you're not hungry." Charles joked, Margo just looked at him. For once, she didn't seemingly join in laughing over one of his strange jokes, she just looked guiltily up at him. "How long are you going to sit there and torture yourself? Accidents happen, we all knew that something like this might occur."

"Has anyone else hurt you while training?" Margo questioned lowly, he leant back in the chair and looked to the floor before looking back at her. "Exactly. So excuse me if I am going to sit here and torture myself over being the lone one." She said bitterly while biting into the sandwich and frowning while doing so. "I'm sorry." She whispered while glancing up at him and then back to the plate, which was now very empty and void of food.

"It's fine. Apology accepted." Charles smiled and moved to put his hands on the table. "So, what was it like?" He smiled again as Margo just glanced up at him uncertainly. "You finally did it! Well done, I knew you could."

Margo looked around and nodded slowly. "It was pretty amazing." She confessed which caused his smile to grow. "I just wish it didn't come at the expense of you receiving a knock to the head." She sighed and picked up the plate to wash it up in the sink. Drying her hands she walked back over and sighed quietly again. "I would have come and saw you, by the way. I'm not quite sure why Erik felt the need to escort me."

Charles stood up and shrugged. "Himself and Moira didn't seem to believe me when I said earlier that you'd return. Perhaps he thought that if he made sure you were with me, that I don't know..." Charles smiled and trailed off. Only Erik knew why he did things. Margo just gave a shrug of her own and got an arm carefully placed around her shoulders and pulled gently forwards to walk.

"I take it I've missed some sort of development while I've been gone?" Margo looked up at Charles curiously.

"Ah, yes, best fill you in with that." He said while leading her back to the study. She rolled her eyes already preparing for whatever information she was likely to be told.

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