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Rows and rows of low humming blue orbs, Harry was hunting a specific one. 

     The others had followed close behind, none paying attention to the girl who slipped from view. She padded left, listening to the faint twinkle of the one she was searching for--the Prophecy of Darkness, Grindelwald had claimed it would find her. She heard it...she heard it calling to her like a siren upon a jutting, ocean rock. It lured her, only her, its master.

     The blue light soothed but she was not looking for something of calmness. The twinkle of the prophecy grew louder and louder with every step. There was a flicker of light, like a flame amidst the sea of night. She paced toward it, breaths echoing amidst the stone hall. Camille waved her wand forcing the orb to float toward her, she plucked it out of the air, the orb glowing vibrantly upon contact. It was a ferocious red glow that danced amidst a marbling pool of midnight ink.

The world of magic is vast and sealed,

Until the darkness descends to yield,

A Master of three is known to be,

The mother of night will give the key,

The maiden of beauty is she of wildfire,

Sired by an ancient terror who is a liar.

For the land of the living, Death will fight,

but will consume itself with all its might.

Camille furrowed her brow upon the words that echoed within her brain. She couldn't think about its meaning, not now, not when she heard several new voices arrive.


     She heard her, speaking inaudible words but Lucius...

     Camille neared around the corridor, spying them through the hollow places of the cupboards.

     "Be a good boy and hand over the prophecy, Potter." Lucius spoke slowly, taunting him. "No one needs to get hurt."

     "You don't need a prophecy to know what is to come." Camille spoke, stepping out from the aisle behind Lucius and Bellatrix. She hissed, spinning around with a wand raised at the girl.

     Camille raised an eyebrow, taunting the witch. She briefly saw Harry's worried face, Hermione's contemplative gaze and Luna's smile. Camille drew back to look right at Bellatrix, Lucius motioning her to lower the wand.

     "Is this a trick?" Bellatrix snarled.

     Camille looked stone cold.

     "Camille, darling." Lucius begins, tilting his head a little. "Are you sure you're on the right side after everything you've been doing? Yes, that's right. We know about your newfound admiration for the Dark Arts...the Dark Lord relinquishes in that field. He detected you straight away. You are every bit the clone of your mother, aren't you?"

     "Quite right, you are." Camille spoke, "Of course, my mother still conspires to win this war that is yet to come."

     "Your mother is dead." Bellatrix spat then cackled, curling the ends of her scraggly hair. "I killed her."

     Camille laughed and even Bellatrix and Lucius took a step back. "Is she now. You see, I've found out that some people I once believed dead were not so lifeless as I thought."

Rose Thorn ❖ (Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter Series)Where stories live. Discover now