
7K 264 61


C H A P T E R 44


Enjoying the pleasant scent of cinnamon apple in my nostrils, I open my eyes to Hayden's head against my shoulder with his arms wrapped around my torsos, clinging to me for dear life. I notice for a previous couple of weeks he has been very clingy to me lately. Not that I don't mind.

It's like he was frightened of being left alone or if someone was going to hurt him, which I would never let someone do unless they want to be thrown down a well and spend the rest of their lives down there. It's one of my ways of intentionally killing someone without killing them.

Extending my fingers through his curls, I hum a familiar tune that my mom would sing to me when I was younger. He should trim his hair, but at the same time, I don't want to because his hair is beneficial for some things.

I notice that he's been saying my name in his dreams, but this time it was more of him being pleasured. I enjoy observing him squirm while he pants for his life. Whatever dream Everest is doing, I was fucking jealous because he gets to have all the fun while I sit here and watch.

Good thing I have control over myself like some people. Sex isn't a problem for me. It's like a bonus, although I would eagerly devour him when he does things that he doesn't even realize. He was playing that innocent card.

Placing my hand on his chubby thighs, I elevate his leg up without wakening him up and then rubbing small patterns on the inside of his inner thigh. His hairless legs felt like I was touching a silk fabric.

He squirms underneath me, and I continue to tease him some more since dream Everest was having all the fun. "Everest, please stop teasing me..." His breathing quickens while clutching on to me tighten. "Please," He moans through his parted lips.

I travel my hands from his thighs to his plump and round arse, giving it a light pat. The noise he makes has over the edge, wanting to do more things to him that he couldn't imagine. But I had to stop myself because I promised myself that I would take it easy with him since he's still traumatized for what I did to him.

It's for the best because I want him to trust me and wait for him to make the first move. No matter how much I want to kiss him and show him that I wanted to be a better person, I couldn't prove it in front of everyone. It makes me look like I turn soft, and we don't want people thinking they could come to me for sympathy, which I fucking don't.

My Dad is already on to me for turning a soft leaf for Hayden, and at this point, I didn't care. If Mom were here, she would love Hayden.

"And I do love him" A beautiful woman with a long white dress was standing in front of my bed. "Who knew my baby boy would love someone more than their own mother." She chuckles delightedly while walking towards me, sitting down next to me.

The King's Pet (M-Preg)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ