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C H A P T E R 14

                    I eyed the man in front of me with an intense glance that could catch a house on fire. I don't how he can wake up every morning feeling like he deserves falling in the deepest pit of hell.

                   If he didn't do the things he does to me then I would have had some sort of love for him.

                     Even if he was a good-looking man that would have me on knees for his every command. Other than that I would never let him have power over me.

                    Every feature on his body screams perfection but his personality and attitude is a big turn off for me. Some people would enjoy this lifestyle but for me, I just couldn't see myself being in this lifestyle.

                    Everest sat in front of me with an emotional expression on his face while looking down at some papers. From him referring to the same papers over and over again I could tell he was getting frustrated.

                    He looks up at me, and I look down at the plate of fruit that I wasn't interested in eating.

                      I could feel my chest beating for some reason. I hate it when I respond this way from him taking a glance my way.

                    "Does my Puppy want attention?" I heard his voice say with a low chuckle. I bit the inside of my cheek trying not to say anything. 

                     "No, but do you ever getting tired of calling me Puppy? Do you even know my real name?" I look up to meet his eyes who were staring back at me with a sly smile. He pulls his sleeves up to his elbow where his wristwatch was displayed.

                    "I know more than your name. I know so much about you that you don't even know about yourself." He takes a fruit from my plate then puts it in his mouth.

                    The way he was looking at me while he was eating it made me feel weird.

                   I push it aside because this wasn't the time for that.

                    "So your like one those type of stalkers that are obsessed with someone where you have to find out every detail about them?"

                    "I wouldn't entitle it stalking it's like acquiring information just in case something happens to you. Like for an example you are allergic to Poison Ivy and I made sure the Gardeners get rid of it."

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