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C H A P T E R 22


                    Flushing the toilet from me throwing up once again, I walked over to the bathroom sink to brush my teeth.

                    After brushing my teeth, I look myself in the mirror and thought about who I am. I could tell I was something instead of being a house husband that doesn't leave the house at all.

                    What kind of person I am that doesn't like to leave the house? Was I always that scared to be with the outside world? I don't look like it and I don't feel like it either.

                    Axel left early in the morning and he had woke me up to tell me that he had to go handle some business and that he would be back later in the evening.

                    Trailing my eyes down to my chest, I look at something that was wrapped around my neck. I pull my shirt a little to see a Ruby stone necklace.

                    I stare at it for a long time until it began to glow.

                    I shudder a little when I pull out of my shirt to get a better look at it. It was so beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes off it, and I felt attached to it instantly.

                    Maybe Axel gave me this necklace and that's why It felt so special to me.

                    It stopped glowing and I frown in sadness. I wanted to glow again because I felt something but I couldn't describe the feeling.

                    After 3 minutes of me staring at it, it begins to glow again and I started jumping up and down in excitement. I don't know why I want it to glow so bad but the feeling came back again.

                    But then my head started pound where I could hear against my ears and my breathing begins to quicken. Everything in my vision was cloudy, and I saw was colorful strikes of lightning bolts.

"Thank you, Papa it's beautiful."

"Your very welcome sweetheart and I know it isn't much but this necklace help me a lot through the darkest time in my life. Now I'm giving it to you, so it can protect you from the dark times and it can remind you that I'm still with you."

"I love you, Papa."

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