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C H A P T E R 18

                    One step at a time can get me to my direction. Even if I went through hell and back just to escape, I wanted to embrace the feeling of being free.

                    The feeling of freedom was something that I craved for and I didn't want to take it for granted. I might've dug my own grave if they find me but it is what it is.

                   I'm not going back no matter how many images of me getting executed plays over and over in my head.

                    My left eye kept twitching meaning Everest might have found out that I disappear. Papa told me that every time your left eye twitch it means someone is thinking or talking about you.

                    Who knows what evil thoughts go through his dark head. Probably thinking about the worst for me if he ever finds me.

                    My feet kick every rock pedal from the side of the road. The rock would land in the street and I would be in the middle of the street, kicking the rock back on the sidewalk.

                    Eventually, I hit myself when I realized that I could have told Axel to pick me up from outside the gate. Instead, I have to walk the long distance to my destination.

                     It would have made things a lot easier for me since I never walked for this long. My legs started to ache and my body already was sore from falling off a tree.

                    Pushing it aside, I continue to walk the long distance until I make my destination. I felt like someone was behind me.

                    Continuing to look forward, I started to increase the pace of my steps.

                    I started to get nervous as I begin to try to run.

                    Looking back, I took sight of a car following me but it was driving slowly and the windows were tinted.

                     I curse under my breath as I start taking off running but a voice calls after me and I turn around to see Axel stepping out the car.

                    Why couldn't he have called for me instead he was following me like a fucking creep? Shaking my head with a huff, I begin to walk again.

                    The car pulls up again and he steps out. "You going to walk the whole way? I'm pretty sure you don't know where you're going." He says with a grin plaster on his face.

                    "Apparently I am since you want to pull that shit on me. Why didn't you just call after me instead of following me? It's bad enough I'm being wanted." I walk around him but he grabs my arm to stop me.

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