I Was Never Loved- chp 22

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Chapter 22

I was literally running just to keep up with Jayden as he stormed down the hallway.

"Jayden slow down, stop, Jayden!" I urged but he was ignoring me.

As we turned the corner we say a large gathering of people. Aayden and his friends were in the center. When we got closer I heard what they were talking about.

"Yeah the whore was practically begging for it."

The group began to laugh.

In a split second Jayden was also in the center. He grabbed Aayden by his shoulder and spun him around. "You son of a freakin bitch, how dare you hit her!" A smirk came across Aayden's face.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Jayden grabbed him by his face and turned his head in such a way that he was looking at me. "look at her face! You ruined it with your freakin hand print! You better pray it fades before my headache subsides or I swear i'll kill you."

"Heh, is that a threat?"

"Damn straight."

The two exchanged glares, neither's will seeming to bend. Out of nowhere Zack, Aayden's friend threw a punch. Jayden's reflexes were almost off no use, he narrowly missed the blow. I watched him stagger slightly before regaining balanced and he squinted his eyes. His head was probably spinning from the sudden movement. As he straightened he swung to the side and barely managed to catch Carson's hand as it nearly connected with his face. Why was he doing this?! He was going to get hurt!

Aayden pushed him from behind and he staggered a few steps before steadying himself.

"Not so tough are you?" Aayden taunted as he shoved him again.

"Stop!" I shouted, pushing my way through the crowd. "Stop hurting him,  he's sick!"

"Oh so now you've come to his rescue have you?" Aayden whispered as he held me against his chest. I struggled to break. "Whoa you weren't so feisty when we were under the staircase earlier." He said spitefully loud. Immediately whispers began pouring in from every direction. If no one was convinced before then this was the turning point for them. I looked down feeling my face get hot. If I could die right then and there I would.

In the blink of an eye Jayden's hand was firmly logged in Aayden's face. Te students gasped. Aayden let go off me and held his face. It served him damn right.

"I warned you to leave her alone."

I am sure he would have sounded more intimidating if not for his congested nose. Aayden lunged at Jayden and slammed him into a locker. I tried running to him but a few of Aayden's friends grabbed me. "No! Let me go!" I squirmed but they only tightened their grip.

"Well Mr. Tough Guy I guess you're about to get your ass kicked infront of your whore." Jayden pushed forward in anger but Aayden pushed him back so hard that he hit his head. No! He looked dizzy and I could tell his strength was fading.

"We'll see about that as soon as I get better. You see I'm a true man so I'll wait until we're both able to fight."

That sentence set Aayden off. He raised his free hand in preparation to punch Jayden but as his hand sprung out it was caught and twisted. Everyone was now mumbling curiously. Where the hell had Jonie come from?

She gripped his hand more firmly and spun it 'til it was behind his back. He winced but wouldn't give her the satisfaction of screaming. She smirked.

"You're not hurting my favourite cousin are you? Because if you were that would make me really angry." She twisted his arm abit further. "Apologize."

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