Im in

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Kellins POV

Girlish moans escaped my moistened pink lips as I came all over myself and Oli.

Four. Ive cheated on Vic four times. This was the fourth time i found myself under the sheets with Oliver. Sweating and panting.

Our foreheads pressed against eachothers looking deep into eachothers eyes with small smiles. His finger tips dancing on my skin following every dip and girlish curve I had in my figure.

Sex with Oli made me feel so good and so bad at the same time. Its like there is an emptiness inside me deep within the fiber of my being. So deep but only Oliver can reach and in turn fill the chilling emptiness that lies within me.

Vic, my daddy the man I love.

Hes been around less and less. He says work but wont tell me what it is he does exactly for work. He also avoids the topic of home. San Diego.

This was supposed to just be a vacation but instead its been beginning to feel like ill never leave.

"Want a bath baby?" Olivers thick accent rings in my ears. His voice wrapps my frame and leaves me shuttering. Im so undeniably attracted to him and the attention he gives me.

"Yes wif you." I say my head pressed upon his bear chest. He chuckled a bit before getting up and picking me up. Carrying my naked body pressed against his to the bathroom where he began to run water in the tub.

I had been constantly thinking about what would happen if oli just decided to be my daddy. I feel terrible about cheating on Vic but hes always gone.

The water was so warm on my bruised bum. I was so sore after Oliver everytime he only seemed to get rougher and rougher. I sat in played in the water while he washed my body clean washing his after mine.

After drying and lotioning my body he dressed me in pink pajamas with penguins on them.

"Doesnt my baby just smell so good." Olis thick accent came as he peppered my neck with kisses. Soft open mouthed kisses on my face as well which made me blush pink.

"I do." I giggled cuddling up to him. My face in the crook of his neck I breathe in his clean scent.

"I've got a sleepy baby dont I?" Oli asked rasing his eyebrow and smiling at me.

"Mhmm." I hummed. Just as I closed my eyes there was a knock at the door. It was loud and it was impatient. I was sad that it disturbed our peaceful moment. My socked feet padded against the floor as I wadled slightly behind oli to get the door.

He had no shirt on and the muscles in his back moved and glistened in the overhead lights. I was so fascinated with his body that I hadnt noticed that we stopped at the door.

Opening it we revealed my daddy. I bubbled with excitement and undeniable disappointment at him showing up here.

"Hey baby doll I missed you, and you smell so good." Daddy said lifting me off of the ground.

Jealousy swam through Olivers facial expression until he found one that fit the bill a fake smile.

"Hi daddy I missed you too." I said hugging him tightly. It wasnt a lie I did miss him. I just didnt want to leave with him. But I did.

"Tell oli thank you for watching you." Vic said taking the diaper bag from Oliver.

"Tank you Oli."

"No problem baby bear- see you next time." 

Oliver waved at the car as we drove away. It was dark out and I was sitting in my car seat watching the street lights as we past them by.

We pulled up to our house. It seemed so foreign its been a while since I been here. It looks like Olis but bigger.


I missed him already his warm inviting eyes. His soft lips... -"Baby!? I been calling you for a little while now and you haven't responded. Are you okay?"

"I okay daddy jus cold."

"Lets get the baby inside and warmed up." 

Daddy had me in one arm, with the diaper bag in the other. Opening the door and closing it. Swiftly managing to lock it behind us afterwords.

"Boop!" Daddy said plopping me on to the bed making me bounce and giggle.

"Since you're already in your jammies Im gonna get in mine, then it's nighty night time." Daddy said striping himself of clothes and doning a pair of  grey sweat pants.

"Okay baby its time to go to sl-Kellin is that a Hickey!?"

A/N: I was locked outta my account but im back now. Short update to get the ball rolling once again.

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