I been saving myself for you

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Kellins pov

"Kellin you okay in there!?" Vics voice comes from the other side of the bathroom door. I threw up everything I had. It took all of my energy.
How could this happen to me?

"Yea." I breathed before dry heaving. My body still contracted wanting to throw up.

"Come out when you can. You might wanna hear this." Vic said before his foot steps retreated to what I can only assume is Justins room.

I sighed wiping my mouth and then rinsing with water then mouthwash. I moved slowly to the door. I felt empty in every way possible. I sat on the bed in Justins room. Ignoring the dirty feeling his sheets gave me. I looked everywhere except at Justin. I noticed three cameras high up on the wall-practically the celling all aimed at the bed. I cursed myself for never seeing them before.
When im little im very easily convinced that everything is okay. When it is in fact not okay. I am convinced that my only purpose is to make everyone happy. To make Justin happy. He took advantage of that. I can't even look at him.

"Talk." Vic said smacking Justin in the back his head.

"Kellin I never meant to hurt you. Im really sorry."

"Then why would you!? You recorded it too!?" I snapped.

"I'm sorry let me explain everything. If you still hate me when I'm done. You'll never have to see me again." Justin begged.

I nodded to him to go.

"I am a heroin addict. It was getting really bad. I was gonna die soon." Justin said pausing at my reaction.

I choked on my spit.

"Y-you do heroin?" I mumbled the words stung as they fell from my mouth leaving a nasty taste behind. I shuddered at the thought of Justin with a needle in his arm.

"Did. I did heroin. Im 6 months clean." Justin said scratching his arm.

"Sorry talking about this gives me cravings... anyways I couldn't afford to get help. I needed help badly. We were on tour fans would notice me twitch. It was insane. It was a downward spiral.
Then Jesse caught me shooting up. I begged him not to tell you specifically just cus I had a little crush on you or whatever." Justin paused for a second to put a new paper towel under his bleeding nose.

"Jesse said he wouldn't tell you and he'd pay for my outpatient rehabilitation on the road if I did him one favor. Which was to have sex with you on camera. He would edit and then sell the videos for money. Money that I never got to see. I tried to stop but he always threatened to tell you or stop paying for my treatment. I- I felt cornered. Im really sorry Kellin." Justin said.

There was a moment of silence. Letting me take in everything that's happened. This all reminded me of something.

The argument from earlier. I tried to recall it.

I stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Jesse to come back. It wasnt long before I heard yelling.

"I need the videos Justin get it done."

" I dont want to Jesse." Justin sobbed. Why was he crying? I didn't like the sound of it.

"We had a deal. After your little park extravaganza. Make a video."

"He wont even know why. He hasnt done anything." Justin cried.

"I don't care figure it out." Jesse grunted.

"You never meant to hurt me." I mumbled looking at Justin.

The memory hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Hey whats goin on up here Jack and Gabe said they heard alot of commotion- woah Justin what happened to your face!?" Jesse said walking in to Justins room.

"The usual." Justin said casually looking at Vic who Just shrugged.

"Jesse your out of the band." I put bluntly. 

"What!? Why?"

"You told Justin to hurt me. You were supposed to be his friend. You..were supposed to be my friend. How could you?"

"I- didnt force him."

"You gave him an offer he couldn't refuse and you didnt let him back out. You sick Fuck. You let me believe that you were a good guy." I wiped my tear aggressively. I didnt want to cry but the tears kept comin.

"I'm sorry Kellin I-"

"Save it." I cut him off. I had heard enough outta him.

"You idiot why would you tell him!?" Jesse roared at Justin before he slapped him acrossed the face. Justins face contorted in pain.
I launched at Jesse.

"Don't touch him!" I said punching him in the face.

"Okay okay Kellin I think you need to cool off." Vic said picking me up and carrying me out to his car. He sat me in the passenger seat before getting in himself.

"Wow Kellin you really pack a punch. Who knew you had it in you?" Vic said starting the car and pulling off.

"Pent up rage from. I dont know getting my life ruined." I huffed.

"I think im done with music." I mumbled.

"Yea me too." Vic said causing me to gasp.

"What why?"

"Well there's something I been meaning to talk to you about. Youve been little all this time its been hard to find the time. I feel like this is gonna be my only shot for a while." Vic paused flicking on his turning signal and turning the wheel. He glanced at me before putting his eyes back on the road.

"I must confess. Ive always had feelings for you. Since like the fifth or sixth grade. And I can't let more time get away from us. I guess what Im trying to say here is. I want to be with you. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Will you be my boyfriend."

Vics words bounced off the walls of my skull. Throughout my body touching my insides leaving warmth everywhere it went. Ive been waiting my whole life for this moment.

"Yes!" I gasped smiling at him.

"I've waited so long to be with you." I smiled.

"One more thing. I think it would be best if you moved in with me. Making me your full time daddy." Vic said parking the car.

"Yes! Id love that!" I shouted throwing my arms around him. A hug that he returned.

"You think you're ready to go back in there?"

"Yea if I dont they'll probably kill eachother." I laughed.

We walked in the house hand and hand. Everything was in disarray.

Jesse was on the floor blood leaking from his mouth and Justin was on the floor next to him all banged up. Gabe and Jack were huddled together on the couch looking terrified.
They all looked at us as we came in and closed the door behind us.

"Jesse you're back in the band." I said sweetly.

Justin looked at me like I grew two extra limbs.

"I quit the band."

"What!?" They all asked at the same time.

"And im moving in with Vic." I said walking past them, dragging vic along with me to begin packing my things.

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