One day Ill drive

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Close both my eyes.

Kellins pov

"Daddy!" I shouted in joy as heard the door open.

"Hey baby!" Daddy replied kissing my head softly. It had been three days since I seen or heard from him. I couldnt contain my excitement of not being alone anymore. Having to do all that big kid/ adult stuff was so taxing. I hope he doesnt leave like that again. It was times like those I missed oliver the most.

"I missed you! Hows my little baby?" Daddy asked. I regressed to age four.

"I good daddy I missed you too wan play wif me?" I ask making grabby hands at him.

He lifted me and rested me on his hip.
"Of course I do." Daddy laughed and then it was as if that thing never happened and for a moment I forgot that my friends were dead.

Vics POV

Things have gotten far out of hand. I find that killing gives me a rush that I cant help but crave. So far Ive taken care of everyone thats ever even thought about hurting my baby but still I want more. I get the late night itch to cut someone open , it has certainly surpassed revenge at this point. Now that Ive run out of people who hurt Kellin. Ive been thinking... Maybe I should get rid of people like Jack and Gabe. People who knew Kellin was getting hurt but still did nothing. Witnessed his pain and suffering listened to my poor baby's agonizing screams and crys and all they had to offer were faces that held sympathy. He didnt need sympathy he needed help.

  When I killed Oliver infront of Kellin Is when I really began to notice I had a problem, That day I even considered Killing Kellin himself. I ended up Hurting him instead in the way that I kill people for, which I still regret doing. Its hard to think about really.

Kellin wants to go back home and my phone has been over run with calls and Texts from my ex band mates, voicemails from mike and my parents.

Sooner or later I know there will be warrants for my arrest. As all the recent murders have been linked together it wont take much for me to be considered a suspect. Because of this we dont go home. We lay low, ill stay here in the Uk for a while. I'll convince Kellin that he likes it here and that Im even taking time off work to spend time with him. I just need San Diego to cool down then we can Submurge ourselves back into normal life in San Diego as if we had just gotten back from a vacation out of the country and everything should be fine there after.

Kellin laughed as I tossed him in the air.

"Again Again!" He screamed after he plopped onto the bed.

I picked him up and tossed him in the air causing him to squeal as he landed in my arms. He laughed as I held him close against my chest kissing his cheeks that were tinted pink.
He smelled like baby soap. I smiled looking down at him in my arms. I loved this.
I love everything about him from his milky skin to his blue eyes to the way he laughs when hes having fun.

"Dada cuddle?" Kellin asked looking up at me with innocent eyes.

"Of course baby." I said laying on the bed with him in my arms kissing his forhead I began to hum softly.
Every minute that went by I regretted hurting my baby boy A little more. I despised myself everytime I got a peak of the purple bruise on his arm. And when I think about it long enough I get physically sick.
I glance down at my pretty boy once more. His eyes were closed and he had his thumb in his mouth and his other hand had a fist full of my shirt. I smiled.
Its been a while since we had time like this together.

My mind began to swarm with thoughts and troubling imagery. I looked down at Kellin and saw Jesse covered in blood beging for his life.

I sqeezed my eyes shut.

What is happening to me?

Opening my eyes Justin struggling to take his last breath tears falling from his eyes as I straddle his shaking body, he coughs and sputters blood splattered on my face and clothes as his breathing shallows and his eyes roll to the back of his head- its hard to breathe I close my eyes and keep them shut this time.

I pull Kellin close to me.

Even with my eyes shut tight I can hear them begging me to stop. I could hear their labored breathing. I could hear the life leave there bodies. There was nothing I could do to escape what ive become.

Even sleep shed light on it in the form of nightmares. People who were once my friends dying in horrible bloody ways at my hands filled the night as I tossed and turned.

I tried to reassure myself that I did this for a good reason. I did this for Kellin.

He'll be alright as long as Im not.

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