Bleeding little blue boy

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Vics pov

"Daddy stop your hurt. Its okay you tried your best." Kellin said holding his hand out towards me. 

I was struggling to breathe at the moment and couldn't find strength to respond. I couldn't reach for his hand. All I could do is watch.

"Ive had to tell you about talking out of turn too many times." The man said punching kellin in the face. Blood ran from his nose in to his mouth.

Then he did it again. And again. If he kept going at this rate he would cause brain damage. He could kill him.

"Stop. Please you're hurting him." I cried.

Kellin blinked rapidly. He was punched again.

He opened his eyes wide and shut them. They didnt open again. His body went limp against the man he was with.

Seeing him like that. Limp and lifeless. My best friend of eighteen years. The one person I swore to protect. My boyfriend. My Baby. Seemingly dead -tied to a shopping cart in some strangers arms covered in his own blood.

Broke me.

Inside something snapped. My brother was on the floor clutching his bleeding face. 

He might kill me.

But Id rather die then leave here with out Kellin.

"I'm not leaving without him." I growled lanching myself at him. My new found strength aided me in taking him down to the ground.

My hands around his throat. I could see Mike undoing the rope from the corner of my eye.

"I got em." Mike said running away with Kellins body in his arms.

"No." The man beneath me gasped. He was turning purple as I restricted his air flow. 

"Sir we're gonna have to ask you guys to take your fight outside or we're gonna call the cops." And employee said standing over us. I punched him again. Before Looking at the employee.

"Oh right I was Just leaving." I said scrambling to my feet and running outside the store. Spotting my car I ran towards it.

Looking back I could see the man running after me. I barely made in the car. "Drive Drive Drive!" I ordered Mike to step on it.

"We lost him." I whispered letting out a breath I didnt know I was holding.

"How is he?" Mike asks me.

"He's breathing, he's alive." I sigh running my fingers through Kellins hair.

Parked the car in the garage incase that guy was looking for us still.

I carried him upstairs and laid him on our bed. He was breathing softly. Tears fell from my eyes as I turned on water for his bath. How could I have let this happen to him?

When he ran away that day I thought he'd come back. Weeks went by. I was a wreck. Me Mike Justin Jack Gabe Tony and Jaime tore up this stupid city searching for him. I began to lose hope. I thought he was dead.
So many different senarios sent me to the hospital looking for him every day for that entire month. The second month came and went. I hated myself. I didnt know what to do with myself. I drank myself to the brink of death. Just staring at the edge. I thought I lost him forever.

I took his shirt off gasping at the boy before me. It was worse then anything I had ever seen.
This wasn't even in the same category as what Justin did to him. Under his clothes was a bleeding little blue boy.

His entire body covered in black blue and purple. Scratches cuts bruises. Burn marks hickeys and dirt.

His ribs shone through his skin raised like reading brail. He looked sickly. His chapped pink lips slightly parted as he breathed in and out. His right eye blackened and swollen. I couldn't help but cry. What else could I do?

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