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Vics pov.

It was seven in the morning. Im in my car already. Excited to see Kellin. Happy that we can have a relationship like this. In any case perhaps when hes not in his little space I could pop the question that I had been dying to ask since grade 6.
Rounding the corner I saw the house come into view and my heart began to pound with anticipation. Though I figured Kellin would be sleep still I was prepared to wake him up to get him ready.
Being his 'daddy.' Im not 100% sure what that all intails. Would he have to move in with me? Would he even want to? I like taking care of him. I think Id like it very much if he moved in with me.

I parked the car.

I could see it now. Waking up everyday with im right next to me. Feeding him, going to the park. I'll spoil him rotten. All the dresses,Tutus Pacifires and hair bows he could ever ask for. I bubbled with excitement walking to the door.
Normally I would have Just walked in. The doors always unlocked. But I stopped, listening to the hushed shouting session that came from within the house.

"What the hell was that last night?"
"He had to get punished hes fine get over it."
"Usually it takes like a half hour for you to get done with him. He was up there screaming for like two hours straight what did you do to him?"

"Nothing Jack drop it. He is fine."

"Its not fine Gabe was crying and he left. He hasnt been back here." 
"Drop it."
"Where's Kellin?"
"He's sleeping- why do you care all of a sudden? yall didnt give a shit before."
"Yea well hes never screamed like that before."
"Whatever man. I told you hes fine."
There was a grunt and footsteps up some stairs.

   What did he mean by punishing Kellin? Like a spank? Screaming? Does this sort of thing happen often? They all seemed to be aware of Kellins usual punishments. What happened yesterday that was so much worse? What the hell happened while I was gone?
I opened the door and just walked in not knocking. Jesse and Jack looked up at me.
"Wheres Kellin?" 
Jack looked at his hands a nervous look etched on his face. He wouldn't even look at me. What the hell is goin on here?
"I'll go get him."
"I can do It I know where his room is." I said walking in the direction.
"Wait hes not in his room. How bout you go in his room and Ill bring him in there to you." Jesse said scratching the back of his head. I paused looking at the time. Its 7:47am.
"Who's room is he in?" I asked following him up the stairs stopping in front of Kellins room.
"Justins." He said going a few doors down and knocking.
I went in to Kellins room and sat on the bed. Waiting for what seemed like forever before Jesse carried Kellin in.

    He was awake. He looked like he had been awak for a while now. Maybe even all night. Something was off. Something was wrong.  He didnt cling to Jesse like he normally did when he got picked up. He didn't giggle he didnt smile. He didnt kick his feet. He held a blank face. He stared blankly ahead of him. Looking at me he didn't squeal with excitement and run up to me. Something was definitely wrong. I picked him up from Jesses arms. He didnt say anything or react.
"Hey baby." I said kissing his cheek as Jesse left the room softly shutting the door.
Kellin didn't respond or look at me. He had dull eyes and he only looked straight in front of him.
"Kellin-" I snapped my fingers in his face. He didn't respond.
"Baby tell daddy whats wrong?" I whispered kissing his face near his ear.
"How bout we go shopping get you some new clothes? Huh?"
Still nothing. He didnt even look at me. I sighed.
"If daddy did something that upset you, you have to tell me what I did so I can fix it." I said running my hands through his hair. 
All I got back was his slow steady breathing in response.

"Okay do you wanna pick out your clothes for today or do you want daddy to do it?"
Nothing. I got nothing. Why is he being like this.
"Ill get it for you baby. Anything for u princess."
I said looking for his 'big boy clothes.'

He wouldn't put his arms up for me so it was hard to take his shirt of but when I did get his shirt off-My face paled and I felt like I was going to vomit.
"What the fuck happened to you Kellin?" I asked him taking his face in my hands.

He didnt answer me though. My eyes looked at his but it seemed as though he was looking right through me.

His back was Red and blotchy. Hit had welps risen all over it. Deep red belt like marks and bruises coated his back leaving barely any of his original pale skin to be seen. Bright purple hickey like bruises trailed down his shoulder blade.
I couldn't help but cry to see the state best friend was left in. Sniffling I pulled his pants down and Gasped.
There were long scratches that went down his legs some of them scabbing up. There was a bruise the shape of a hand on his waist. And finger print shaped bruises on his thighs.
He Just stood there and let me inspect his injuries.
"Kellin you have to tell me who did this to you."
"Kellin who did this to you?"
Blank stare.
I felt anger boil in my blood everything was turning red. I grabbed kellin by the shoulders. "KELLIN WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO YOU?" I yelled shaking him slightly.
His eyes glazed over with tears. Though his face held no emotion, and still he said nothing.

I let go of him stomping down the stairs. "WHO DID IT?" I screamed they all looked at me Gabe looked frightened. Nobody dare said anything and that set me off. I was tired of not getting my questions answered. I took an angry step towards them.

  "Vic relax he misbehaves he gets punished for it." Justin said smoothly. Oh im gonna wipe that shit eating grin right off of his face.
"IT WAS YOU!" I yelled. All I could see was red. Every since of common sense I had left my head. He hurt Kellin. My Kellin. My best friend in the whole world. My baby.

I punched him in the face as hard as I could. His face contorted in pain.

   He lunged at me hands around my throat straddling me hands around my throat. Blood from his nose dripped on my face. I cocked my hand back hitting him again in the face making him fall off me. I scrambled to my feet and so did he. I was ready to throw another punch before I was detained. Jesse held on to me tightly.

   "Justin hit him back. Look at you man you're bleeding." Jesse said from behind me.
  I struggled in his grasp.  Justin did as he was told punching me in the face repeatedly. The metallic flavor of blood filled my mouth. My vision became blurry. I could hear Gabe and Jack begging them to stop in the background. Jesse let go of me. Letting my body hit the floor.

  Justin and Jesse didnt stop there they began kicking me while I was down. I was about to lose consciousness when I heard sobs.
"Please stop. Please dont kill my daddy."
It was Kellin. I wanted to hug him. To wipe his tears but I couldnt. I was immobile. I couldn't get up and protect him. My baby.
  Justins foot smacked off of the side of my head. And everything went black.

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