I dont believe

192 10 4

In never ending summers, cus they dont exist.

A/N: I apologize in advance.

Vics pov

I went back downstairs to find my laptop. On the counter under the stack of random papers, where it always is.

But its not there.
Kellin must have used my laptop.

Oh no.

He must have seen.

What do I do?

What can I do?

I ran upstairs to where Kellin was sleeping. With panic in my veins I stood over him and



"Victor wake up."

My eyes snapped open and i was in an unfamiliar white room , a lady in scrubs stood a few feet in front of me with a clip board.

"Vic you know if you keep refusing to take your meds you'll lose touch with reality right? Just like last time, so please here you go." The lady said gesturing to the the cup where two white pills sit untouched on the desk next to me.

"What the fuck?" I asked breaking my own shock.

"Now Vic you've been here longer then anyone, you should know we don't tolerate that kind of language." She said in a patient tone almost as if we've went over this before.

"Where am I? Where is Kellin!?" I asked panic laced my voice as I whipped my head around looking and searching for my baby boy.

"Oh no." She said jotting something down on her clip board before grabbing her walkie talkie and speaking into it.

"It's getting bad again for room203,over." She said tucking the walkie talkie back into the waist band of her scrub bottoms.

"Hon we've went over this a million times. Kellin. Is not real. Okay? He has never been real."

Anything she said after that was gibberish to me.

What did she mean? Not real? Kellin? What the fuck?

My hands desperately scratched eachother for some sort of release. My eyes shut tightly and my head began to pound as Fought my hardest to remember my little boys face.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Sharp Mesa Vista Mental health Facility." She droned out almost as if she was tired of saying it.

"How long have I been here?" I asked, making eye contact with her through her glasses. She had dark brown hair and bluish grey eyes and pale white skin.

"9 years as of..." she stopped and opened a manila folder before continuing. "two days ago." She sighed.

It became harder to breathe.

"But kellin was just-"

"He's not real."

"I just saved him from-"

"Not reaaal"

It felt like my blood had begun to flow backwards through my body.

"If kellin isnt real then how the fuck have the readers been reading this story in his point of view?" I said matter of factly standing from the bed.

"Victor Fuentes. I wont have you shouting that criminal language at me. There are no Readers. There is no story. There is no Kellin. You've been here for the last nine years. None of its real you made it up Vic." She demanded irritabily.

My world came crashing down around me. 

"I didn't make it up."

"You did."

" I Didnt!"

"You did! And if you would have taken your meds we wouldn't be in this situation." She said hitting the desk with her closed fist in frustration.

"I didnt make it up." I said swiping the meds off of the table and on to the floor.

I grabbed the pillow next to me and whipped it at her head.

She fixed her glasses on her face.

"I see mister Fuentes. I see." She said to me before picking up her walkie talkie.

"Dr.snow juice in room 203, over." She said before tucking it away again. She got up and walked to the door.

"You know vic, I was really hoping today would be different." She said looking at me pausing and then exiting the room with out another word.

I put my head in my hands. I barely had time to think before a burly man standing at about 6'2 came in followed by other men.

"Tsk tsk tsk we gotta juice you." He said before nodding to the other men.

They surrounded me and held me down i felt a sharp pain in my left cheek. And before I could say ow, everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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