For you Id count the salt under the sea

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Kellins POV
Tuning out the sounds of my name being shouted from the other side of the door. I laid my head down on the cold tile floor.
"Why me?" I whispered to myself as my tears began to form a pool around my head. My hair is wet by my tears but I dont care. Why should I? I wish I could rewind time and start all over again. I wish I wasnt such a weird freak.
A lone familiar voice comes from the other side of the door. Its my favorite sound in the world, his voice. I could listen to it all day long. It reminded me of everything soft and silky smooth. Buttery and soft. Rich in taste. My best friend. I wince as he calls my name out again. This time his voice is sad. Like the waves from the an ocean so choppy and tired. "Please I want to talk to you." He says. His voice vibrates the air around me. I unlock the door and lay back down on the floor in my puddle. He opens the door and comes in closing it again behind him. We make eye contact. I look into his eyes to see any signs of judgement.  He kneels down beside me. He tucks a peice of hair behind my ear. "You think Im a freak dont you?" I sniffle a bit waiting for his response. "No never, I just wish you wouldn't keep things like this away from me. You onow I wouldn't judge you no matter what. I don't ever wanna lose my best friend." He whispers. Im sitting up now and he's rubbing circles on my back. I sigh in relief. I lean my head against his shoulder. "Thanks vic."
"Don't mention it." He says standing up and extending his arm for me to take his hand. "Your clothes are all dirty now from being on the floor all that time lets go get you all cleaned up princess." He beams at me. I smile and follow him into my room. I pick out a tutu with flowers on it and a light pink shirt. I take my soiled shirt off and begin to change. "You sure this isn't weird to you? I dont look stupid do I?" I ask anxiously slipping on my tutu. "Of course not. I still think your beautiful." Vic says booping my nose. I scrunch my face up a bit at his actions. I smile up at him as I slip back into little space.

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