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I wrote this yesterday, but Wattpad was under construction so I didn't get to post it.  And for those of you in countries other than the United States, yesterday was Thanksgiving for us.

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Never before had I realized

Just how much I have to be thankful for

It’s insane

I’m thankful for my fingers

I’m thankful for plastic

I’m thankful for this little screen I’m looking at as I type

I’m thankful for words!



I’m thankful for everything

And it’s not Thanksgiving that opened my eyes

It was the people

Lined up outside the soup kitchen

Their wide eyes as they sat in wait for the heaping plates

Their grateful heads bowed in prayer

The smiles on their faces

When asked, “What are you thankful for?”

On this crisp fall day

That for some reason gives people a reason to count their blessings

This one day

How do I respond?

Many say, “Food, water, shelter, family, friends…”

All good things

All important necessities that so many must do without

But do they not realize

That without expression they could not have these things either

Without words


And yet, here I am

And I cannot figure out how to express what I’m trying to say

With words

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