Leaving and Goodbyes

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I’m not accustomed to leaving

I have been left before, though

Plenty of times

But that doesn’t mean I’m used to it

I never will be

Literally or figuratively

More people are leaving

Literally and figuratively

And I can’t stop them

But I don’t know if I want to

Because if they want to leave

They should

If they don’t feel like they need me anymore

Then they should find someone better for them

I’m okay with that now

They don’t even have to say goodbye

Of course it still hurts

But it’s a little bit more okay

Then there are the ones who are leaving because they have to

Or because it is just time

And I’m not good at those goodbyes

But at least I’ll see them again

Finally, there are the unspoken goodbyes

The ones that are too late

They are the goodbyes that haunt me in my sleep

And bring tears to my eyes

Because they are literal and figurative

And there is no closure

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