"Cancer" and "Cooking"

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I sit at a desk in the library

The kind of desk with dividers on either side

So that no one can see in.

The desk has been ploppped

Into the middle of the C's in the nonfiction section.

I sit between "Cancer" and "Cooking",

Conjugating french verbs

That look weird any way you look at them.

There is a study group in progress behind me

Discussion the Periodic Table

And a boy sipping a contraband smoothie to my right.

Directly in font of me is a girl busy studying for a test.

Yet to my left, "Cancer" and "Cooking" both sit.

My verbs abandoned, I look around the room.

Some people are focused

Others chat idly with one another.

Some sit

Some stand.

It is then I decide to get up

Pick up the cancer book that's been staring at me

And open the thick, red cover.

I open to page 973

Which is titled: "Celebrating Your Life".

Skimming the page, I find it is full of ways that you can

"Make a legacy for yourself".

On the next page, there is a title stating: "Closing Thoughts".

The first line tells me that having advanced stages of cancer can bring hardships

But also joy and "fulfillment".

I snap the book shut

Stand up

And place it back on it's shelf.

Maybe next time I come to the library

I should sit between "Dogs" and "Donuts" instead.

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