new year special!

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This is I_LOVE_JELSA_forever's very first New Year special! Enjoy! :)

I dare the others to play dead,Jelsa must not know,and when they cry the others have to sing thriller.

Zen: where do they get these kind of ideas for dares? THEIR SO AWESOME!!!


Anna: and we have enough time to plan it before we celebrate the new year!

Lia: come on let's complete this dare before new year!

*everyone sets things up and offs the lights just in time Jelsa comes back from their date*

Jack: we're home!*sees everyone laying on the ground*.

Elsa: guys its nearly new year wake up!

DATS: *turns on a dim greenish light*

Elsa: *gasp* g-guys?

Jack: no,no,Jackson! wake up!

Jelsa: *crying*

DATS: *cues the song thriller*

Elsa: *sniffs* w-what?

*the others rise up like the dead and start to dance*

Jack: *terrified look*

Cheska and Franchesca: its close to midnight and something devil's lurking in the dark.

Rise and Catherine: under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart.

Willow and Henry: you try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it.

Hiro and Lia: you start to freeze as horror looks you right between your eyes,you're paralyzed.

*the others start to dance in partners circling Jelsa*

Zen and Jackson: cause this is thriller,thriller night and no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike.

Hans and Athena: you know its thriller,thriller night you're fighting fr your life inside a killer,thriller night!

Elsa: *about to scream but gets cut off by Jack*.

Jack: ZOMBIES!!!*sprays pepper spray on Hic*.

Hic: AAAHHHHHHH!!! It was a dare!

Elsa: -.-

Jack: o.o...sorry.

12:00am 2015

Zen: HAPPY NEW YEAR READERS! Thanks so much for supporting me in this book,and thanks to all of you we reached 66.8k reads and 1.04k votes! thanks so much and this chapter is dedicated to everyone who read this book.


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