Little fears

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*big 8 young 10 and EmmeLiaBrittLukelsey are watching A Haunted House*

Snowflake: eww...Malcolm just pooped on Kesha's daddy's ashes.*has a disgusted look*

Elsa: why did we let the kids watch this again?

Jack: so they won't be scared of ghosts anymore,instead of running for their lives they could be setting up camera's in our mansion and sticking video cameras on our fans.

*everyone hears a door creak open and slam*

Merry: what was that?

*lights turn off*

Hic: *screams like a girl* AAAHHHHH!!!

Punzie: was that you Mer?

Mer: it was ma wee lamb.

Anna: I can't see!*shakes something*

Kristoff: Anna! Stop! Your! Strangling! Me!

Anna: sorry!

Kristoff: no need to shout.

Punzie: OMIGOSH! Someone's got me!

Eugene: I'm guessing its your hair.

Punzie: oh really?*touches it and realizes it is her hair* oh silly me. my bad.

*everyone hears furniture being tripped over*

Elsa: *shaking in fear* w-where is that sound c-coming from?

Jack: don't worry Elsa I got you.

Elsa: what do you mean?

Jack: I'm hugging you for protection.

Elsa: your not.

Jack: then w-who am I h-hugging?*trembling in fear*

*lights turn back on to reveal Jack hugging*

Jack: HOLY MOTHER OF FROST!!!*hugging an Annabelle doll*

Mer: what in bloody hell?! Get that away from me!

Hic: don't worry Mer I got you.

Mer: no you don't.

Lia: Turd you better look at what your holding.

Hic: *looks at what he's hugging*HOLY MOTHER OF BURRITOS!!!*holding a Chucky doll*

Anna: *trembling in fear behind a plant* i-is it a-a-alive?

Emmetha: how did they get in here?

Brittany: maybe their possessed!?

*everyone hears an evil maniacal laugh*

Luna: who. was. that?!

Kelsey: *holds up random object* stay back!

Luna: y-yeah stay back,Kelsey's got a spatula here and she's not afraid to use it!

Lia: has anyone seen Zen?

Annie: I know!

Lia: where is she?

Annie: here!*hands a note to Lia*

Lia: *reads note out loud* Dear everyone,I will be gone for I don't know how long,I'm with my family for a little mall time so don't break anything and whatever you all do don't look at the TV at 9:00pm. That's all it says?

Jack: hey its 9:00 already!*turns on TV which was a bad idea*

*everyone screams because of a video that shows a(I don't know what's so scary so imagine anything that makes you scared)*


Anna: my eyes their burning!

???: I warned you.

*everyone looks at the living room's entrance*

Lia: Zen!wait why did you come home so late?

Zen: don't. ask. but now I have made a new enemy who I despise so much.

Elsa: and who may that be?

Zen: a hand dryer.

Kelsey: may I ask why?

Zen: yes,it all started not so long awhile ago.*shoots icicle at the living room's light bulb* I'll replace that later.*takes out flash light and shines it in her face*Flashback

after me and my family ate at Jollibee me and my grandmother went to the bathroom,and after that we washed our hands. Then we saw a hand dryer,my grandmother tried it first but it didn't work so I looked at it and nothing was wrong,until that horrible incident happen,I slowly put my hands under the machine to dry it but then it happened unexpectedly it turned on and the sound startled me I nearly had a heart attack! *turns flashlight off*

Anna: okay...

Elsa: why did you off the flashlight?

Zen: *clears throat and claps hands 6 times*

*lights turn on*

Punzie: what the.....?

Hiro: Hello!

Lia: Hiro!*gives quick hug* what brings you here so late?

Hiro: hey Lia. and to answer your question a certain Pres./boss/lawyer/author called me to go here for no reason.

Zen: I have a reason,I told you in the phone call.

Hiro: you mean.

Flashback phone call

Zen: Hello Hiro?

Hiro: yeah?

Zen: gotothemansionat9:25pmsharp!

Hiro: w-wait what. s-say that again?

Zen: *hangs up*

Hiro: oh well.


Hiro: actually I really didn't catch what you said but I heard mansion so here I am. so...what's the problem?

Zen: *shrugs* I just like inviting peeps in here.

Hiro: well...if there's nothing going on. Lia.

Lia: y-yes?*has a smile*

Hiro: wanna go for some ice cream?

Lia: *sighs dreamily* I'd love to.

*HiLia leave*

Hic: well I have made a new enemy too.

Jack: and what would that be?

Hic: that*points to a floating pink bra* its haunting me. It just floats around. AND ITS CREEPING ME OUT!

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