32.[Where She Is Compelled to Stare At A Brick Wall]

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[Phoebe---Last Day of School, A week Later]

"So what do you guys want for Christmas?" I asked the few of them that remained in the line.

"Well I want, a new Barbie car, and a puppy. But Daddy doesn't like puppies." Kaitlyn said.

"Why?" I questioned looking through the papers for her name.

"I don't know, he weird."

Lyric began speaking."I want some fake eyelashes to stick on this life-size doll I got. Her makeup ain't cute, and her lashes look fake." I just looked at her, trying to find out which planet these children came from. They're peculiar at its finest. Who does stuff like that?

"Well aaaall that stuff suck, I want these new shoes, they bad. Daddy say they Lebrons, I just hope they don't look like his hairline." He mumbled seriously, in deep thought.

"You not even auuullll that." Lyric sucked her teeth, rolling her eyes at Johnathan, while she waited for me to give her report card. It really didn't have on grades except for their reading score, they're so young I just grade them on effort until next term.

"Ya Mammie." He grumbled, pulled his shirt then releasing it. And Kaitlyn started laughing.

"Johnathan! Apologize right now and you." I pointed to Kaitlyn. "Stop that laughing."

"But she started it!"

"Soo you didn't have to bring my Mommy into this."

"Shut up." He told her folding his arms.

"I gotcha shut up Johnathan. Right here." She folded her hand into a fist and pointed it in his face.

"That's enough! Stop that. It's the Christmas Season, a time for love and fellowship. What's wrong with you two?"

"Oooohhu teachaa he think cause he got nice shoes he auuuulllll that." She rolled her neck , turning her lip up at him. And Kaitlyn stood there smirking.

"You need to calm down with all of that attitude and Johnathan could you stop arguing with girls and play nice?"

He turned his head to Kaitlyn mumbling something. I handed him his report card and stood up, getting everyone's attention. "See class since Johnathan and Lyric can't be nice little children, I guess you won't get the present I made for you guys." I sighed, looking sad.

"Johnathan see why I don't like you?" Kaitlyn put her hand on her hip, talking to him as if they were in a yearlong marriage.

"What I do?" He shrugged.

"Now we ain't gonna get the gift."

"No chill." Justin said mumubled, shaking his head. And everybody turned to him, wondering when did he start talking like that. What does no chill even mean?

Lyric laughed. "Justin nuh uh stahhhp." She giggled walking back to her seat.

"You guys act too grown for your age and grown people don't get Christmas gifts , we're the ones buying them, so I guess you guys have to find a job and buy me something." I replied walking back over to my desk.

"Ms.Phe Phe pleaseeeee I didn't say nothing, why I can't get the gift?" Mercedes questioned.

"Because the gift is for all of you to share."

"Teacher I love you , Pleaseeee." Kaitlyn played with her pony tail, batting her long lashes.

"Nope I want an apology from Johnathan." I said willfully, I know how stubborn and own-way he can be.

My Forbidden Fruits  (August Alsina) Series The First ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now