26.[Where She Finds Comfort Though Stuck In A Rut]

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[The Next Day-At School Phoebe]

"Why are you crying Sweetie?" I asked Lyric.

She shunned her shoulder, and turned her head in the other direction. I came to class this morning and she wouldn't tell me what was wrong with her but every last one of them sitting in here looked guilty. Especially Johnathan and Kaitlyn.

"Nothing." She mumbled turning away from me even more.

"Okay, fine I guess I'll just go back to writing now----" I pretended to walk away.

"Wait teacher!"


"Bring your ear down." I stooped down to her level for her to whisper her troubles in my ear.

"Kay-Kay and Johnthan was laughing at my hair." She sniffed. "They said I look like beetlejuice."


"Uhuhh." She looked up at me wiping her eyes. "Babe your hair looks so pretty I wish I could do mine like that. It's all curly and mine is so straight today, I'm jealous."

"You just saying that. Daddy did my hair this morning and he blow-dried it den' he sprayed water on it and said that'll make it curly. He don't know how to do hair."

I had to hold in my laugh and I looked up and saw all of them looking back in our conversation. When they saw me they quickly turned around.

"Ok, you know what, I think you have set a trend. They're just jealous, that's why they're laughing."

"Ms.Phe Phe I not stupid. I'm gonna punch Johnathan in the stomach. He thinks he can bully everyone." She glared at the back of his head.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it Love, you look so pretty with this afro-thing." I touched her hair.


"Really Darling, I like it. Matter fact I'm going to try it tomorrow okay?"

She nodded and laid her head on the desk. "I'll get to them don't worry."

I walked through the line of desks until I was between Jonathan and Kaitlyn. "You know I expect this from you." I held Johnathan's ear and he held unto my hand wincing. "But not you." I turned Kaitlyn's chin towards me with my other hand.

"I only laugh cause' he was laughing." She tried to explain. Johnathan kissed his teeth.

"Stop lying, Ion even laugh."

"Yes you did and then you showed her to me and said beetlejuice! Why you gotta lie?"

I pulled his ear harder. "You two, since you're all of a sudden Bonnie and Clyde are going to write an apology to Lyric and then you're going to read it infront of the class AND you're staying in for recess.

"But Teacheeeer." Kaitlyn whined resting her hand on my hip.

"I don't want to hear it. Do the crime, you must do the time." I let go of Johnathan's ear and he started rubbing it.

"Love you guys, now let's get started on Phonics, shall we?" I grinned.

[During Recess]

"Kaitlyn do you and Johnathan think you can go down to Ms.Turner's class and ask her to lend me some coloured paper?" I smiled. "We need to make our Christmas decorations for the classroom. School is closing next week guys, I need a pack."

"You gon' make us go anyway." Johnathan shrugged getting out of the chair, grabbing Kaitlyn's arm, leading her out the door.

"Thank you!" I shouted after them. My little muffins. I shook my head looking down at the folders infront of me. I was supposed to be checking my attendance record but I can do that when I go home.

My Forbidden Fruits  (August Alsina) Series The First ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now