The Power of All for One

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Before Izuku can react and stab Overhaul with his finger snakes, the villain grabs both Shin and Rikiya by the shoulders. The room is filled with the sound of molding flesh and visra as what seems to be a light emanating from hell itself opens underneath where Overhaul once stood. Both Shin and Rikiya are reduced to blood which is drawn into the light behind the desk. Izuku can make out a figure forming inside of the light and it's far bigger than anything he's ever seen. The combined fusion of Rikiya, Shin and Overhaul creates a massive Kaiju destroying the room they're in and collapsing the ceiling. The sheer size of the Overhaul kaiju is astonishing and Izuku has to make a break for the now crumbling door to escape getting crushed. Nighteye and Aizawa were already outside the room and were then grabbed by Izuku and pulled into his storage quirk. Izuku himself charges up One for All and jumps through the roof heading to the surface. Getting to the street he sees the heroes and army looking in fear of the creature behind him. Rising from the collapsing street is an amalgamation of flesh, bone and pure evil. A large muscle exposed arm reaches out of the pit followed by several more. They press down into the street hoisting the center mass of the kaiju from the underground. It's large slightly humanoid torso being held up by it's 4 sets of arms lurches out of the ground. A head in the shape of a raven leers down at them before opening its mouth revealing Overhaul attached to it by his waist. The torso of this massive creature shows exposed bones of the creature's rib cage and spine.

"You wanted a monster and you have one now All for One! Everything you see here is going to be destroyed and it will be all your fault. Once every single person in Mustafu is dead I'm going to rip that quirk from you and use it to purify this disease ridden wasteland!" Overhaul declares in an almost demonic sounding voice.

"You won't lay a hand on a single person. This is where it ends Overhaul!" Izuku responds, furrowing his brows as his face contorted with anger and rage.

His arms explode with black fire, his eyes change to the same color of blood. The air around him warps with electricity as he charges his max power with One for All. He tries to calm his mind to keep from losing control over All for One and going on a rampage. He only has one target and there's no way he can miss a target bigger than the broad side of all the buildings they are surrounded by. Overhaul wastes no time slamming his arms into the ground launching spikes from the asphalt towards the military and other heroes on the ground. Izuku manages to almost warp in front of them using his mobility quirks and absorbing them into his storage quirk. Overhaul isn't able to track where Izuku himself is but the green streak of light behind him is an indicator of how fast he's moving. By the time the spikes reach the ground all the heroes in the immediate area have been warped into Izuku's storage quirk and to safety. The military retreats down the street opening fire on the Kaiju aiming for Overhaul's exposed body. The kaiju closes its mouth to protect the host but also blinds him at the same time.

Overhaul opens the beak of the kaiju to attack the military but is caught under the jaw of the Kaiju by a thunderous attack. It's sent hundreds of feet into the air in less than a second, the strike was so powerful it nearly caused the head of the kaiju to come detached from the rest of the body. Once airborne, Overhaul has nothing to use against Izuku aside from his own biomass and Izuku intends to use it against him. Wings sprout from his back along with the shoulder jets he stole from Hood, he once again lunges up from the floor taking to the sky. Mid air he starts firing finger beams at the beast aiming for its joints trying to cauterise the flesh not allowing it to move. Overhaul uses his quirk on himself repairing the damage dealt to him and then trying to punch the green rocket heading right at him. Izuku activates another quirk of the female high end noumu that was at the facility, his fingers become meter long talons and he slashes through the arm of the Kaiju as it tries to strike him. Two of the fingers fall off from the slash and a long scar opens up along the forearm of the main arm. One of the other hands on his back lerches around to swat at him but misses as Izuku changes course aiming for Overhaul himself.

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