Attack on Nabu Island

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Mahoro and Katsuma look over the wooden gate at the shore below, the harbor taken up by a massive creature the size of a skyscraper. "What's going on?! What is that thing?!" Mahoro asks with fear ebbing from her voice. 

Standing on the snout of the undead dragon four villains talk with one another discerning their plans for the invasion of the island. Nine, Slice, Chimera and Mummy stand on the base of the horn as Nine gives out his orders to his lackeys. "Chimera, Mummy. You are in charge of diversions." He says turning to the wolf, snake, bird, dragon hybrid man. "How should I do it?" He questions lighting a Cuban cigar at the end of his mouth. "However you want." Nine answers as Mummy gives an answer of affirmation in response. "Slice." Is all he says to a rather attractive woman with scarlet red hair wearing a masquerade style masque over her face.

"I'm ready." She answers with a breathy tone as the three other villains jump off the snout of the dragon towards the docks. As they depart from the dragon, Slice begins her dance of death. Using her quirk she sprays the boats on the docs with the solid and razor sharp hair follicles that she controls with her mind. Like a needle firing chain gun, hundreds if not thousands of strand segments are fired into the boats slamming into them, puncturing the fuel tanks and sparking a chain reaction of explosions.

"V-villains... r-real ones now." Mahoro stammers out looking at the destruction of the harbor and the giant beast.

"Mahoro we need to tell the heroes there are villains here!" Katsuma declares in a panicking voice.

"Those wanna be heroes?!" Mahoro almost scoffs at her brother's notion.

"Mr Deku won't be scared of them. He told me himself that he can give quirks to people so he can probably use them too. You saw how fast he came to look for me, we need his help." Katsuma demands his sister to call the heroes.

Igio Hero Agency:

Izuku arrives back from his trip helping the Matsuda family to see Iida and Ochako talking to one of the islanders."I'm back from helping the Matsudas in the field." Izuku announces as he makes it back to the agency. "Good job Midoriya." "Yeah! Good job Izuku." Iida and Ochako compliment. As Izuku is about to enter the building, Katsuki walks around scratching the top of his head as he paces. As he is pacing, one of the phones goes off and he reluctantly answers it with a begrudgement voice.

"Yeah what. If it's something lame I'm hanging u-" Katsuki is cut off by Mahoro's voice screaming through the receiver, he winces from the volume but manages to hear what she says

. "THERE ARE VILLAINS AT THE FISHING HARBOR!!!" She shouts. Bakugou realises it is her shouting for him staring at the phone as if he can see the other person on the other side of it.

"Hey. I know that voice, You are that brat from the ruins." Katsuki grumbles as Izuku walks into the room with his silly smile plastered on his face. "Nice try you damn brat, but I ain't fallin' for it this time." Katsuki scoffs into the mic before it is quickly snatched away by Izuku. On the other end, Mahoro protests this by declaring she is telling the truth before Izuku puts it up to his ear.

"I'm not lying! The fishing harbor is under a-" Is all Izuku hears as the line goes dark. Katsuki protests Izuku snatching the phone from him but is sushed by Deku.

"What did she tell you? Kacchan." Izuku says in a stern voice, turning to face Bakugou and for some reason holding the wired phone in both hands.

Nabu Island Transceiver station.

The smoldering ruins of the transceiver station crumbles and burns as the blue furred Chimera walks away from it commenting on how fun trashing it was. "Communications are toast. That was a lot of fun. Now what's next." He talks to himself, dusting off his hands and taking a puff from his cigar.

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