The Strongest is Defeated

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 The instincts of a child are predictable, and Nine knew this. He had known that the kids he was after would return to the place where they felt safest, logically the place in the image that was recovered off the phone he stole from their father was their home. So, that's where he went after the others went off to start to cause chaos on the island. At this point everything is going according to plan, the Nomu had already targeted and sent one to attack the primary target. This allows him now to track the target with a geiger counter due to the radioactivity present in the Noumu that was sent after him. Everything was going according to plan, the first nomu was to weaken his stamina and inhibit his ability to regenerate, the flashing radioactive point on the geiger was proof enough. The remaining thing to do is to steal the quirk from the child, he had no intention of killing him, he wasn't that cruel. Frankly he only came to this island for two things, the Cell Activation quirk and the Son of All for One.

"Ah, there they are. Good, as soon as I am done here with the brats, I can deal with Shigaraki Mikumo. Perhaps if I steal his power I can overthrow that sniveling fool Shigaraki Tomura as well." Nine monologues to himself watching the young Mahoro pull her brother by the arm towards their house.

As the kids near their home, Nine extends his hand and flays his fingers away from each other before firing a concentrated air blast from an emitter quirk. The blast levels the building instantly and the air force sends the two kids flying back.

"W-What do you want?" Mahoro questions seeing the glowing eyes of Nine walking towards her.

"Relax, this will only take a moment. Don't worry I wont kill you. I'm just going to take your quirk." Nine says trying to keep them from running away from him. His slow pace causes the kids to tense up in sight of the villain. Just as he is about to reach the two of them, Izuku appears from seemingly out of nowhere and grabs the two before flying off. "Well well. The quirk that steals other quirks. There you are Shigaraki Mikumo." Nine simply walks in the direction that Izuku had retreated too, just as he loses sight of Izuku through the trees he clicks a small communicator on his wrist.

Far off at the harbor, the dracolich Nomu's eyes flash a sickly yellow, having received the message from Nine before taking flight. Once beautiful water had been stained black by the creature's flesh, dead fish floating up to the surface from coming into contact with its fetted flesh. The long boney and rotted wings spread themselves from under the water that had now turned black. Holes in the wings present from the decay serve to inhibit its ability to take flight but, miraculously the lumbering building sized abomination takes to the skies. A single flap of it's grotesque wings flattens what's left of the buildings on the shoreline of the harbor. The putrid monstrosity flies over the island, it's lumbering size blotting out the sun as it flies over the smaller battles between Mummy, Chimera and the students below. A few of them, as well as the civilians, look up at the beast as it flaps the massive wings, flying towards an unknown location.

"See that thing ya brats? That's to take out your ace in the whole. The quirk thief." Chimera taunts, as the others look on in horror of the creature that somehow managed to fly.

"No matter how big that thing might be, Midoriya will be able to kill it easily and you're not going to lay a damn hand on the people here." Ojiro shouts through gritted teeth, clenching his fists preparing himself to once again charge at the monstrous chimera.

In the forest miles away from the others at the shopping center and beach, Izuku stands with his hands covering the two children behind him as he faces towards Nine in front of him. The third holder of All for One walks at a continuous pace towards the slated successor, the pristine white suit and metal life support system covering most of Nine's chest and face gives Izuku an eerily similar sense of Deja vu.

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