Into the Fold

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"Well that cat is out of the bag." Bakugou says though he isn't surprised that this topic would be brought up. "Welp. Spill it Deku, your pops did that already so might as well clue them in on what's going on. As for you lot, nothing that we're about to say is to be repeated. Aside from the people who possess that quirk, the only other person to know is Uraraka."

"What's so special about this quirk, he has literally dozens of them and one that can take everyone else's." Setsuna asks, the green haired woman gesturing with her off hand as she speaks.

"Because this one cannot be taken, only given or so we thought." Izuku begins, "That quirk was created by my father in the only act of kindness he ever did. Gave my uncle who he thought was quirkless a power stockpile quirk. However my uncle did have a quirk, one that at the time was useless but it allowed him to transfer quirks between people. I was born with All for One, my father stole it away in an attempt to get me to fall to the darkness and hate the world. All Might was the one who personally trained me to become a hero. It wasn't until the events of Kamino six months ago did I learn the full truth."

"That explains why he was so gung-ho about fighting Nana and Bakubro." Kirishima responds, "Do you think he's found a way to take that quirk?"

"I think Shigaraki might be that key." Izuku answers. "From what I saw, my father has ensnared Tomura's soul in his web. He doesn't want a successor he wants to take over his body and keep living."

"How are we gonna put him down then?" Kyoka asks.

"One of two ways, fight off the influence of All for One on Shigaraki or kill him." Bakugou responds.

"I'm the only person that Tomura has left that wants to help him. Everyone had abandoned him and did nothing while he needed them most. I might be too late to help Tenko, but I can save Tomura. I'm not going to kill him, but I will kill All for One." His resolve is firm when he says this.

"I... think it's best we leave the conversation here for now it's getting a bit too heavy for my liking." Jirou interrupts, but the others agree with what she's saying. "Changing subjects, what are you planning on doing while we're on the trip, Bakugou?"

"I have no idea." Katsuki responds, "Might just stay in the hot springs most of the time. The other spa things don't interest me all that much. Did you all get your folks to sign the permission slips for the trip?"

"Ochako and I are going over to her house today while Eri is having lessons with Mirio and Nejire. She still needs to get hers signed and I figured it might be a good time to meet her parents." Izuku explains, "And fixing him." Izuku adds, noticing that Monoma has finally collapsed from exhaustion.

Deciding that his trainee has had enough for the morning, Izuku drags Monoma back to the class B dorms. The members of the second hero course at UA are a bit startled seeing Izuku show up with an unconscious Monoma draped over his shoulder like a bag of rice. The green haired man explains that he has been a bit of a personal trainer for Monoma to whip him into shape but he didn't make it through today's training session since Bakugou decided he was going to help today. Tetsutetsu takes the unconscious blonde off of Izuku's hands allowing the green haired man to return to his dorms shortly after. Before leaving however, Izuku makes it a point to give Tetsutetsu Monoma's suitcase marked with the number nine on the side. As Izuku gets back to his dorms he flops down on the couch as the rest of the little powwow that joined in looking for Monoma trickles in.

Several hours later, Izuku walks with Ochako and Eri to the third year dorms where Nejire, Tamaki and Mirio are already outside waiting for the young girl to arrive. Upon seeing Mirio, Eri sprints from Izuku's side and launches herself at the blonde man trying her best to tackle him while giggling. She wraps herself around his leg, hampering his ability to walk all that well. "Well you're excited today." Nejire says as Eri wraps her arms and legs around Mirio's shin, looking up at Nejire and grinning ear to ear. "She's been looking forwards to your lessons, she's been cooped up inside all week since the incident with Overhaul and All for One so I think she wants to spend some time outdoors playing in the playground and forest." Ochako explains prompting the lilac haired woman to nod in understanding. After handing the three Eri's bag and lunch, Izuku and Ochako begin making their way from the dorms to the exit heading towards Ochako's apartment.

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