All Might's Statement To The Public

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News of the incident at the Tartarus and a possible new All for One hit the hero society hard, Nighteye knew of what was going to happen but didn't anticipate the world’s reaction to another possible quirk thief. Unfortunately for him, the world has no knowledge of Shigaraki or Nine leaving him and his father the only examples of that power they have seen. Despite this, many people were nervous hearing that there was another person capable of stealing quirks. In countering the world’s fears of a possible new threat emerging from UA itself, many interviews and staff inquiries were held to quell the fears of the people. News channels displayed the battle between Deku and Overhaul on loop showing the world that this new thief of quirks was a hero. This calmed their fears for the time being but there were some that called for his expulsion from UA and imprisonment just for possessing that quirk and this is where All Might put his foot down. On a live broadcast from the main entrance of UA, cameras and reporters all trained on him. 

    “All Might, what is your opinion on this new All for One? The son of your mortal enemy is attending a school meant for heroes. Surely the offspring of such an evil being would be as much a villain as his father was.” A male reporter says, hearing this All Might is angered greatly by what they are saying. 

    “There is no ‘New All for One’ what we do have is the first Deku. A Hero who has the gift to confiscate quirks from villains and bestow them to people who were born without quirks or with quirks that are unable to protect themself with. Midoriya Izuku is my son, biologically the child of All For One but that doesn't dictate who he is. The only reason I am even able to have a possible return to being a hero is because of him. He prevented my untimely death healing the wound that All for One inflicted on me. It was he who prevented the eight precepts of death from not only erasing any quirks of the heroes that attended the raid but also kept anyone from dying at the hands of that villain. Overhaul’s death was not caused by Deku's; it was caused by a pro hero after Midoriya Izuku was shot by the villain holding a concealed weapon. I will say this only Once but knowing the press you will try to twist my words to fit your agendas. Izuku Midoriya will be the one to succeed Me, All Might, as the next symbol of peace.” Hearing this the press goes wild taking hundreds of photographs and shouting questions for All Might. The former number 1 pro hero simply waves to them before the security gates of UA activate as the press tries to force their way onto campus. 

    “Well I do say that when Midoriya Izuku hears that he will be over the moon.” Nezu says walking out from the main building. “I must say they have been rather troublesome lately with the news of Izuku taking the majority of All for One’s quirks at the Tartarus.” 

    “That was going to be news to the public eventually anyways. At least with me calling him My successor, without the literal sense of it with One for All, they will stay out of both my and his hair. The real trouble is what Young Uraraka has him in, she told him not to let him get inside his head, hell even I told him that but it still happened. I'm just pleased that All for One isn't a threat and in all honesty, I was about 1 sentence away from doing the same thing.” All Might explains as the two heroes walk back to the offices, “Though to be assured, take down any publications that try to twist what I say. I'm expecting at least one of them to say.”    

    “Already taking down 2 of them. And done. Ugh, If I had it my way I would have all those villain sympathising publications bureaus arrested.” Nezu says with a sigh deleting a publication off the internet that warped All Might’s speech into saying that Izuku was the successor of All for One. 



    “Are you going to let him get in your head again?” Ochako asks with her arms folded, tapping her foot repeatedly on the floor. Izuku is sitting on his knees, with his hands on his knees, looking on the floor dejectedly. 

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