A Being of Pure Chaos

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 It says nothing and moves like something out of a horror movie, the mirror image slinks and slithers about like a zombie before attacking. Both using the same combination of quirks to create a large blade that projects from their forearm to slash at each other. The metals from their blades spark upon the first slash and neither makes purchase in the other's flesh. The force behind the strikes levels trees like twigs that were blown over by a hard gust of wind. Both impact each other and are reflected in opposite directions, the mirror vanishing into the darkness that surrounds the emptiness of this place. Scanning the darkness he spots the glowing eyes of the mirror before lunging after it and attacking only for more eyes to seemingly appear all around him. He scans through the fake eyes looking at each of them to see if there are any differences, relying on his senses, he quickly creates a set of spines on his back as the mirror jumps down from a tree trying to attack him.

"Why is he so strong?! I thought he was supposed to be my inner evil." Izuku thinks out loud before opening up his hand and firing an energy based quirk at the mirror image. It once again doesn't respond before bending unnaturally with its head tilted back and looking at him while his body faces away. "Now that's just creepy."

"This is the manifestation of the evil that resides within All for One and yourself, the evil that your father was trying to manipulate through your dreams. Not only that but it is also the partial consciousness of your father controlling that entity, he was able to enter your mind when you stole his quirks in Tartarus. He is trying to take over your body and kill your consciousness. That would give him full control of both One for All and All for One. Your body is like that of a bottomless pit, a black hole constantly sucking in matter and power but always having room for more. He was limited, he could only have 10 powers not his own but you are special in that your potential to hold power has no limits but your mind does. Break through your limitations, unleash everything you have and defeat yourself. Not a single atom can remain of that entity if a single one does, it will reform stronger than before. Now, destroy it." The voice of the first commands as Izuku feels a hand on his shoulder and a calming of his fears.

Closing his eyes and calming himself he begins to unleash his power, like a dam cracking under the pressure of the water behind it. Slowly it starts to seep through the cracks that limit his power. The evil in him vanishes kicking up dust as it tries to attack him, that same sickly smile plastered on its face and the world getting continuously darker around it. The massive quirk combined deformed arm connects with nothing as the real Izuku jumps high into the void. Retaliating the mirror is slammed into a rock formation by what appears to be a simple contraction of Deku's eye focusing on it. The entity lurches itself free from the rock and grins madly with blood seeping down its mouth and it's jagged teeth stained with the red liquid. "That's good, now I know I can hurt him, If I can hurt him, I can beat him." His thoughts however are proven to be null when the entity grins madly before the blood dripping from him begins to retract and go back from whence it came. "Fuck." Izuku says out loud seeing it regenerate.

"Hehehehehehe... Hahahahahahaha!" The entity laughs manically cocking its head to the side. This time it's wide insane grin is accented with a maw full of sharp teeth. The quirk combination it is using for the blade like appendage changes. This time it's arm extends to several meters in length and a new blade appears at the end. "Like a broken and dead man once said. Here, there be monsters. Ah-hahahahahahahaha!" It speaks in his same voice, before laughing madly, the scythe it had created from a combination of quirks points at Izuku before the hero feels his leg grabbed by something.

"Oh great. You talk and summon Nomu. How original." His response was bored and unimpressed as his fingers extend to near foot long razor sharp claws. In a single swipe, he decapitates the 4 armed Nomu that had grabbed his leg. Spinning around he clips the wings off the same wings Nomu that Stain had killed in Hosu.

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