All Might's Provisional Internship

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After leaving the training ground and heading towards the main office of UA, Izuku starts to use the float quirk once again to get used to the ability. To say All Might was surprised when Izuku levitated his way into the former pro's office was an understatement. He had to grab Izuku by the shoulders and place him on the ground to avoid having both flashbacks and a heart attack. Izuku apologizes for the scare and takes his normal seat across from All Might on the couch that he has in the office. From the outside, Sero comments on the fact that Izuku looks like he's being scolded by his father.

"Todoroki said to come to see you that you have a plan for my make-up license exam." Izuku asks All Might while he pours two cups of tea before taking a seat on the couch opposite Izuku.

"I'm sure you know my former sidekick Sir Nighteye, yes? I had gotten in contact with him about an internship you can do to replace the make up exam that Todoroki and Bakugou are going through." All Might explains.

"Kacchan failed the license exam?" Izuku asks in surprise.

"He was quite unhappy about it too. Anyways, I asked nighteye if you could do an internship with him during the break between semesters. From mid July to August you will be working for Sir Nighteye he will decide if you get your provisional license. He knows of One for All and All for One and trust me he wasn't too happy when he found out my successor was the son of my nemesis. Granted, Neither you or me even knew that but he went on a tirade about how stupid it was for me to choose the son of All for One." All Might says before sighing and taking a sip from his tea.

"That's... very shallow of him." Izuku responds.

"He's a bit... Nihilistic thinking that the worst possible scenario is always the case so his visions tend to be skewed like that. He even tried to read my future if I didn't choose Mirio as my successor, I'm sure he will try to read yours too.You'll be working with Nighteye in two weeks so you have time to figure out how the quirks work but not enough to become an expert at is."

"Great." Izuku says sarcastically before being smacked by a rolled up magazine.

"Get on his good side as soon as possible, make him laugh, that's the easiest way for him to open up to people. He's a stiff but likes Dad-jokes and puns."

"I'm definitely not the right person for this. My father skipped out when I was 5 and never told any of those jokes. You're the closest person I've had to a father in a long time and you're super serious too." Izuku explains hanging his head down dejectedly.

"Hey don't be like that Young Midoriya, I'm sure things will turn out... All Might." He says flexing his muscle form for the delivery of the joke.

"... Pfft! Hahahaha!" Izuku starts laughing at such a bad pun but in his defense he's basically never had a Dad or even heard dad jokes so to him it's the best joke anyone has told him that doesn't have himself as the punchline.

"I'll teach you all the jokes I know, young Midoriya, so don't worry about the internship. But that pun was pretty bad wasn't it" All Might says before he starts laughing as well.

After the horrible stand-up impression from All Might, Izuku makes his way back to the training field to see if he can figure out how to go about using the quirks he took from the Nomu. For the next several hours he goes through anything he can think of to activate the mobility type quirks he took from the Nomu. For the Shoulder Mounted Jets he took from Hood. He eventually figured out how to use it but as for anything above 3-mph that's going to take awhile, not to mention he doesn't know how to steer himself. Another quirk he discovered was a duplication quirk that one of the developing high end had. Dr Garaki had spoken of a quirk that lets the Nomu duplicate other nomu and people. He was glad that he managed to steal that quirk but it's weird to stare back at your own reflection who seems to have a mind of its own. Most of the class has gathered around to watch Deku teach himself how to use the other quirks.

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