Round One! Fight!

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 Today is going to be a big day, in fact the rest of this week is going to be super busy. Both hero course classes are making their way from the locker rooms to the training fields for a new exercise. The staff have not informed them of anything but all they know is that Midoriya and Bakugou are not present and instead are replaced by Hitoshi Shinso and Camie Utsushimi. Murmurs of wonder at the day's events float about the curious students as they continue their walk from the campus to the fake cities constructed on the far side of the UA campus, a few kilometers away from the main lecture halls proper. A particularly bothersome trouble maker, IE Monoma because of course he would, has already gotten knocked out by Kendo for trying to instigate a fight with Sero and Kaminari. The 39 conscious (and one knocked out) students arrived at the main gate wall of site Alpha where their teachers had instructed them to meet that morning.

Coming to a stop before the large city, they're soon greeted by Nezu driving up to them in a miniature golf cart with the other pros walking out from a door in the wall. Though it wasn't just their teachers, several top pros are among the group this morning. The current number one pro hero Endeavor, the number two hero Hawks, the number three hero Edgeshot, number five hero Miruko and last but certainly not least, number 58, Fatgum. This got their attention, as all the students fell silent and stared in awe at the legendary heroes standing before them. To put the cherry on top of this hero cake, All Might drops in from the sky in full hero uniform creating a large crater in the asphalt. His entrance prompts a few of the class members to clap seeing him, shortly following All Might is Paragon. Her bright white cape floats in the breeze as she descends elegantly to the ground carrying a young Eri on her shoulder.

"Good Morning Hero Course Students." Nezu greets, prompting the forty students to do the same. "You all must be dying to know why you are out here this morning, It is for a new exercise. As you can see several high ranking pro heroes are with us today for this special occasion."

"You don't need all the prompt and circumstance Nezu, the reason we're here is to assist in teaching you all how to handle a multi quirk combatant. IE, the Villain you all know as All for One." Aizawa's cold tone instantly shifts the mood away from Nezu's chipper welcome. "Since the events at Nabu and in Kamino, multiple of these freakshows with the capabilities of stealing quirks have arisen. The villain known as Nine was one such user of this quirk and now we believe that Tomura Shigaraki, the successor of All for One now possesses his quirk. The heroes don't have an answer to this, until now. Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki have come into possession of these quirks as well."

"Wait, I knew that Midoriya had All for One because he's the son of the guy All Might fought earlier this year but, how does Bakugou have it?" Itsuka questions, raising her hand and speaking it at the same time.

"Earlier this year, Midoriya had a meeting with his father in which the villain got under his skin and caused young Midoriya to attack him. During that attack he stole every single quirk he had. Including his All for One quirk. Fast Forwards to the events of Nabu a few weeks ago, Midoriya gave that second All for One quirk to Bakugou in order to fight the villain Nine." All Might answers.

"Speaking of, where are they?" Kirishima asks taking stock of his other classmates.

"They are your combatants."

"WHAT?!?!" The classes collectively exclaim.

After the shout of shock from both groups the two doors on either side of the pros open up. The giant garage style doors lift with the sound of creaking metal and whirring machines. From within the silhouette of two men appear, assumable both Deku and Bakugou. Both men approach the groups of heroes on foot, but their appearance is radically changed. Both appear to be dressed the same way as All for One was during the incident in Kamino several months ago. Adorn in form fitting vertical pinstripe suits with a white tie-less undershirt, their sleeves rolled up to expose their forearms and their faces adorn with the same iron mask that All for One himself wore.

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