The Power of the Abyss

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Nine stood stunned seeing izuku seemingly come back from death's door, but stunned doesn't even begin to sum up what the villain leader is feeling. A pit of anxiety and fear was boiling up inside him, the being in front of him felt as if he was standing at the event horizon of a black hole. Everyone around felt their powers seemingly being pulled from them from just standing near him. The air itself was being pulled towards the dark aura around him, the silence being broken by the crack of lightning. The red and green electricity arced about the air around his body, heroes and villains alike shudder hearing the crack of thunder.

"He-he's... he's using both as one." Katsuki says under his breath, Ochako being the only one to hear him. She looks back and sees the dark arua collapse in on itself covering Izuku's body in a thin layer of absolute darkness.

"It's like looking into a bottomless pit." Shoji says taking a half step backwards away from Izuku.

"Th-this... This is just an illusion. A second wind after a dissipated storm. Nomu." Nine stammers before regaining his composure, he orders the giant creature to attack Izuku.

The lumbering titan of a noumu raises it's rotted forelimb and tries to slam it on Izuku. The class grimaces as the arm makes contact but, there's no sound from a collision. No dust, no crash from the impact but, the creature's arm is noticeably shaking from the amount of force it is exerting, trying to crush Deku. Slowly the creature's arm starts to be lifted higher and higher as Deku floats up from the crater with a single finger held extended from his hand, and raised over his head, holding the entire weight of the dragon's forelimb. The Dracholich tries to cancel out his quirk with the erasure sight, it's eyes flash a blood red illuminating the ground in crimson spotlights trained on Izuku. Suddenly, faster than they could even perceive he had disappeared from where the creature had struck him, reappearing on top of the creature's neck. Reaching high into the air, Deku stabs his hand into the exposed skull of the creature. The crunching of bone reverberates off the surroundings as the creature roars in pain. A pulse of green light appears on the hand that had forced its way into the dragon's skull as each and every quirk is ripped away in an instant.

"WHAT?!?!" Nine shouts in disbelief as the red spotlights of the eyes suddenly shut off after the pulse of power.

Reacting to the pain, the dragon shakes its head about violently trying to loose Deku from his position on it's head. It succeeds in losing Deku from it's head but soon it is ensnared by a series of tendrils and black mist as both All for One and Black Whip work in tandem to strangle the beast by wrapping around its neck. It roars, feeling its throat being constricted by the two whip-like appendages. The class watches as Deku's free arm starts congeel a mass that forms into a large blade. This blade is almost as long as his body, being made from the Spearlike Limbs, Bone Screws and Rivet quirks. In a single motion, the tendrils and whips pull tout and Deku lunges forwards at an incredible speed. He flips as he almost hits the ground, the blade oozing with black necrotic blood that was inside the Dracholich. The class watches as a moment later the head of the noumu falls off, having been cleanly cut off of the creature, creating a massive thud as it hits the ground. 

"H-How? I-In one attack?!" Nine shouts in disbelief, using his quirk he summons a lightning bolt to strike the entity that is Deku but he is seemingly unscathed. Suddenly, Nine feels a heart palpitation and clutches his chest falling to one knee.

"Nine!" Slice shouts seeing her leader double over in pain.

"Th-The kid. H-He sent the kid somewhere." Nine responds as he tries to catch his breath from what basically is a heart attack.

"We need to fall back. I'll send for the others." Slice says before firing a flare up into the sky. This action alerts Deku who is standing over the dead noumu making sure he stole it's quirks.

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