Encounter Whilst Patrolling

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Izuku wasn't a morning person, he enjoyed sleep very much so when he was dragged out of his bed at 6am by a blonde haired man who phased through the floor... He wasn't very happy. Mirio laughed at Izukus expense as the messy haired teen rose from the dead to get ready for their patrol. He wasn't even able to finish his coffee before he was dragged out of the agency by his hood. The morning afterwards was long and boring for him as he floated with his arms crossed behind Mirio making their way around the city. Izuku managed to slip away from Mirio for just enough time to get a cup of green tea from a street vendor which improved his morning greatly. After the tiredness left him he returned to his bright eyed and bushy tailed joyful self. Thus began the rest of their morning patrol running around the city looking for people to help and trouble to stop.

While they were running Izuku remembered a dream from the night before, he vividly remembered speaking with the holders before him. Some with their backs turned to him and others hearing his case. Four of the seven trusted him knowing that his spirit to do good would not let him fall down that same path the others despised him for his heritage. He had to stifle a laugh when the first smacked the three of them for their harsh words towards his nephew. While they bickered between each other the fourth walked up to Izuku and spoke to him. His voice was indifferent and cold through the entire conversation. "I do not trust you with the power of One for All at this time. Your fate is riding on a highwire whether or not you go down the same path as your father. I don't fault you for who your father is but you must prove to all of us that you will never become him. The second will be the hardest to convince." He says looking over towards the woman arguing with the first.

Izuku remembered that he had asked why this was the case, the forth looked back at him before placing a hand on his shoulder. "She was the bride of the first. Everything was taken from her. Her husband, her life and her child. She didn't fall at the hands of your father but to her own after giving this power to the third. She couldn't bear the pain anymore." He answers before walking off into the blackness once again and disappearing. Izuku pondered what he should do in order to regain the faith of the previous ones. He had tried to speak with his aunt but was only met with a cold stare. "You might be Izuku's nephew but you're still part of that monster. That quirk only exists to cause pain and to ruin everything it touches." She says before walking into the void with a huff. The first looked at his nephew with a solemn look on his face. "I'm sorry Izuku, she still hurts from what Zen did to her, to me and to our son. You have a chance to undo the wrongs he did, all of us are restless because our business in the living world isn't over. Maybe you can do something so that we can rest." He replies, "Zencho and I were brothers once but now we can't be any more different. You have a chance to undo the wrongs he did. Pay a visit to our shrine. Maybe then she will be able to accept you while I try to reason with her." Izuku says to the young All for One holder just before the young hero wakes from his dream.

These thoughts were still bouncing in his head, He was debating whether or not to go to the shrine after the patrol. He continued these thoughts as they made their way through the city. Another thought ran past him while they were patrolling. What if Mirio turned on him out of fear of the All for One quirk? Izuku was scared of what Mirio could do and of asking him if he was fearful. Sure Izuku had several pain nullifying quirks and healing quirks but he didn't know their limits. The anxiety of not knowing if his ally was friend or foe was dragging on him and eventually Izuku asked Mirio what he thought of him.

"L-Lemillion?" Izuku asks hesitantly.

"Yes? What is it little dude?" He responds.

"Are you afraid of me? Of my quirk? All my friends have been acting cautious around me and I don't know if they are my allies anymore."

"Why would I be scared? I know you won't actively try to hurt me besides you can give quirks back so if it does happen there's no issue. You don't need to worry about such things Deku you will know who you can trust when the time comes. If you ask me, the person who could easily replace All Might as the symbol of peace is the person I'm talking to." Mirio says patting Izukus head. "Your quirk isn't evil, it wasn't made for evil. There can only be evil quirk users and evil people. Your past and ancestry don't dictate who You are, You do. Now come on we got work to-" Mirio says but is interrupted when a little girl sprints into him.

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