Even a Hero's Hands, are Stained in Blood.

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Eri had a strange feeling of content upon feeling her new father pick her up and lay her down on his chest, that feeling increased when another set of hands found their place on her back. Eri turned over to see Ochako snuggling up to her and Izuku in the small bed, that feeling was something she had been lacking all her life. The feeling of a whole family, before she could even register it in her mind she erased her father from existence and her mother called her a curse. She had been alone, defenseless and in the wolf's den for 4 out of the 5 years she had been alive. Now, in the embrace between two powerful heroes she felt whole again. Her father is the most powerful man in the world and her mother bends the laws of physics to her will. She didn't know if it was her subconscious replying to the two of them as they wished her good night and sweet dreams, but she responded with what felt right. "Goodnight Daddy... Goodnight Mommy." She says out of instinct, she didn't stay awake long enough to see the reactions of Izuku and Ochako upon hearing this. Neither did she hear the excited squeals of Mina, Tsuyu, Toru, Momo and Jirou who were eavesdropping in on the room.

For the first time in her life, her sleep was restful. No harsh dreams, no fear it was as if heaven itself weaved her dreams. The night was peaceful, quiet and tranquil, the only thing disturbing the silence was a small music box made by Yaomomo upon Eri's request. It played a simple lullaby perpetually through the night, it was the most perfect sleep she ever had plus the light rain pitter pattering at the window was an added bonus. With nothing to do the next day as a form of grading and recovery for the internship participants, they were given the next day off from school. The new family in the dorms didn't wake until almost noon that day, all being equally as exhausted as the rest of them. Ochako is the first to wake up, as she opened her eyes she felt Eri's head nestled on her bosom as the young girl snored softly listening to Ochako's heartbeat. She smiles before stroking a hand through Eri's long white hair, this causes the young girl to tighten the hug she has around Ochako in her sleep. Next to her Izuku is laying flat on his face snoring away with a hand draped off the bed. Then she hears a subtle rustling and a small jingling bell from under the bed. Izuku soon starts to chuckle in his sleep feeling something which raises him. He pulls his hand up from the side of the bed and stretches before opening his eyes. A foot away from his face is a small calico cat staring back at him with one blue and one green eye. It meows seeing the green eyes of Izuku before jumping up on his back and walking on the bed.

"Uh... Hi kitty kitty." Ochako says seeing the kitten walk across the bed and snuggle up next to Eri. "Is this Kouda's cat?" Ochako asks, looking over to Izuku who's just as confused as she is.

"I have no idea, I can ask him." He says as he stretches once again and gets up from the bed. The kitten nudges Eri with it's head before tapping her with it's tiny paw on the nose. Eri scrunches her face as if trying to hold in a sneeze but another meow from the cat wakes her up.

"Hi Aoi." Eri greets, causing the kitten to trill a combined purr and chirp in response.

"Aoi?" Izuku asks getting the kitten to look at him and once again chirps.

"He have blue and green eyes." Eri responds before sitting up, the kitten walks up her back and drapes himself on her shoulder.

"Where did he come from?" Ochako asks as Eri gets out from under the covers and grabs Izuku by the hand to help her brush her teeth.

"Kouda-san found him after you and daddy went do hewo stuff. Night lady say I keep him, Kouda have pet." Eri responds by dragging a half awake Izuku out of bed. "Come on, I need bwuss my teef." She says impatiently.

After brushing her teeth and her hair, Ochako enters the bathroom to bathe Eri letting Izuku head downstairs to prepare breakfast. Once Izuku leaves, Ochako notices an almost instant change in demeanor of how Eri acts. She's anxious and can't sit still without Izuku near her, Ochako does the best she can to give Eri a bath before drying her off and joining Izuku down stairs. Aoi decided to sit on Eri's shoulder the entire time despite inadvertently having to endure a bath. Eri giggled when he puffed up after being dried off the long haired kitten walks across her back to her other shoulder and perches himself there as they ride the elevator. Getting to the common room, Bakugou is already starting to try a fight with Izuku. He has the All for One user by the face shouting barely intelligible syllables at him while Izuku just ignores it. His level of patients is astonishing as Izuku weaves and dodges blasts, punches and all sorts of flying spit. Once Izuku sets what he is making in the oven however, he turns to address Bakugou who has his fists raised for a fight. The class ducks and covers behind the sofas waiting for things to get violent. The ninth holder sighs deeply at Bakugou's antics before grabbing him by the face and walking towards the door. Bakugou screams and shouts, setting off explosions at Deku and burning off bits of his flesh on his arm. Without another word Bakugou is thrown through the front window in a random direction as Izuku's arm and face heals from the blasts.

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