The Pristine Island of Nabu

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The celestial blue coastal waters of Nabu Island glisten in the sun as many of the island's inhabitants are enjoying the day at the beach. Children being held up by their parents to experience the water, other kids whose quirks give them interesting appearances and appendages run and frolic about in the sand. Lovers and friends sitting around an open field enjoying the day, a dark brown haired woman hugs the arm of her boyfriend and rocks back and forth as a small family of three walks past, the daughter sitting on the shoulders of her father. At one of the shops around the beach itself, two girls in bikinis cover themselves as two frat boys cat call them. "Do you hotties wanna get in some trouble with us today?" the frat boys say with their hands above their heads and jumping back and forth between their legs. "Yeah we will pass." One of the women says to the two causing men to start to chase them. "Don't be like that!" They say jumping forwards, suddenly they are snatched back to where they jumped from and fall flat on their faces. Two of Mineta's sticky balls hold them in place on the cement as an elderly man looks back at the two.

"Some jerks don't know when to quit." Mineta says pulling a ball from his head and winking at the two women. "Right ladies?" He asks before smiling, the sun glistening off his white teeth.

"Thank you!" "You saved us!" The women say running right past poor Mineta and up to Ojiro who is waving his hands back and forth with a slight blush on his face.

"I-I-I wasn't the o-one who helped." He says waving his hands, Mineta jumps up and down indignantly shouting in protest as the two college age women kiss Ojiro on the cheeks.

On another part of the beach, Shouji is using his tentacles to scour the surrounding water near the cove and beach. He calls to Froppy getting her attention, "Asui. We have a kid in trouble. He swam out past the rocks!" He says, Tsu quickly jumps into action and towards the water, diving right into it and using her powerful legs to swim very quickly out to the kid in distress. Sato also pitches in, jumping in a row boat and eating a peppermint, he uses his quirk to row as fast as he can out to the shoal the kid is stuck beyond due to the current. A large wave overturns the innertube the dirty blonde haired kid is in as he calls for help, Asui manages to snag him out of the water with her tongue just as Sato arrives in his row boat. She hands the shivering and frightened child to Sato but, due to slight over use of his quirk, his face causes the young boy to become scared and cry thanks to his appearance. "Hey! What's wrong!" Sato says worried about the kid. "Uh... I think it's your face." Tsu says poking her head out of the water and sweat dropping.

After the kid is brought back to shore, Sero and Dark Shadow create a banner above the rocky part of the beach informing the swimmers that that area is off limits. "Please stay behind the rocks." "You heard him ladies and gents, please obey the signs." Sero says with his million dollar smile. Some of the onlookers start clapping and cheering for the heroes on the island as they continue to watch over the beach.

"We didn't come to this place to put on a show." Shouto says monologuing to himself.

"Hey shouto, would you mind whipping me up some more ice?" A snow cone vendor asks causing him to turn around.

"Sure," He says creating a miniature iceberg in front of the man that catches him off guard. "Is that enough?" He asks.

"You kidding me? This will last me all week!" The man says happily in response to the ice.

Overlooking the beach, a young boy and his sister watch over all the heroes on the island, helping out whoever is in need no matter how small it is. "Wow! Look at all the heroes down there Maharo!" The young boy says excitedly as his sister holds onto her hat as a gust of wind flies up the plateau they are sitting on.

On the main part of the island, a phone rings inside the old hero agency that the UA students are now taking residence at. Mina picks it up before greeting the person on the line. "UA Hero agency." She says as she listens to what the person is saying. "Sure, I'll send someone right away." She responds to the caller before hanging up. "Kaminari, Head to the west district, Mister Matsuda's battery is dead." She says, Kaminari groans hearing her say that as he slides out of his chair and stands up. "Oh jeez again, Why can't he just buy a new one already." He groans pulling down his sunglasses. "You could have to walk all the way there, Kaminari, here let me help you get to his farm." Izuku replies before snapping his fingers and opening a green portal in the reception space of the Agency. "You're the best dude." Kaminari thanks as he runs inside it.

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