Chapter 1

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Nina's POV

It had been 2 weeks since we have been out for the holidays! Tomorrow we go back to school and I can't wait to see Eddie, Patrcia, Alfie, Mara, and even Jerome but most importantly Fabian. I saw him a little bit over break. I've been staying with Amber and all three Of us went to the movies last Saturday to go see "Mocking Jay part 1" it was amazing! Spending time with Amber and her parents was so cool. Amber and her mom took me shopping for clothes and it was such an amazing experience. I just can't wait to tell everyone big news that I have been dieing to share!

Fabians POV

I can't believe that we go back to school tomorrow from the holidays! I sure do miss Nina even though I saw her just a few days ago. She told me that she has something to tell me but says she will tell me tomorrow so everyone can hear! I wonder what it is and I sure do hope we don't get involved in another breath taking mystery.

Nina's POV

I woke up in a strange place. I didn't know where I was or who was around me. I looked around and there was gold and jewels every where. I was inside what looked like a palace with big windows with a background of pyramids and nothing but sand for miles. I could here people shouting and what sounded like horses clacking there feet up against stone in the far distance. I looked to my right and I saw a beautiful women sitting on a thone. she had nothing but jewels all over but what stuck out the most was her beautiful necklace that looked like a cross with a red ruby in the middle. She looked at me and sticker her hand in a bowl of snakes which bit her and she cried out for help.

"H-help m-me" she said sliding down in her throne.
I ran over to her and she whispered I me.

"Chosen one. I-I knew you would come" she said. "I d-don't have mu-much time. They are after me. You must protect this." she said and put in my hand a necklace which looked like my Horus eye necklace. She rubbed my cheek and then died. And then I herd a loud boom.

I woke up and herd Amber who had fallen out of her bed.

"Amber are you okay?" I asked.

"Are you okay? You were the one screaming"

"Wait I was?" I asked her.

"Uh yeah! I fell out of bed cause it scared me!" She said and then her mom came in with a bat.

"Who is it! What happened!" She said looking around the room shaking the bat.

"Sorry Mrs. Millington I was having Nightmare And well I guess I scream in my sleep" I answered a little annoyed that I woke everyone in the house up.

"It's okay deary. Good to know it was you and not a robber." she said and turned away. "goodnight" she said and shut the door.

"What was your dream about? is it sibuna related?!" Amber demanded.

"It was just a nightmare that your hair black." I said completely lieing.

"Aw thanks Nins for thinking that's a nightmare. but now I'm going to have one" she said and we both went back to bed. who was that women? And why did she kill herself?

Hey guys! I'm back! I really hoped you guys liked this chapter! I've been really working hard on it and I think this book is gonna be perf!!! SQUEEE I CANT WAIT! Haha so who was that lady?
Why did she kill herself?
Why did she give Nina what looked like her locket?
And more importantly what does Nina have to tell everyone?
Find you answers here at the House of Anubis.

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