Chapter 65.

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Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu.

I see a lot of people defending Ammar's behavior. I understand the love but girls, rewind their story in your mind.

He was always selfish.
He was the one on the wrong road since the very start.

Let's not deny the facts.

P.s. kinda long I hope. I tried.

P.s.s. hold your hearts ♥️💔♥️


Noor's POV:

The sun was up, the rays on my face with the slight wind as I was sitting by the window. My eyes staring at the beautiful morning.

I wish my heart was as beautifully fresh as this morning.

My eyes wandered lazily around, the beauty of green trees and yellow orangish sky making me blink and whisper, "SubhanALLAH.."

"Here, I was searching for you everywhere and here you are." I blinked and followed the voice, Rabia came towards me as she sat across me. I smiled at her as she was giving me a small smile as well.

"I bought this for you." She extended her hand, a plate with chocolate cake on her hands.

"I baked it." She informed as I took the plate.

"Jezak ALLAH Khair." I replied and took a spoonful as I ate it, her eyes on me. I smiled and nodded while eating.

"Ma shaa ALLAH it's delicious." I approved and she clapped her hands.

"Yay. I am gonna give a piece to everyone now." She spoke standing up as she kissed my cheek and I kept smiling as she walked away.

Once she was gone my smile fell on its own. I gulped, leaning back. Plate lowering to my lap as I once again let my wander. This time in the room.

I shifted back to my old room. It was just like when I came from Bahrain. My eyes roaming to every detail.

I have so many memories of Ammar in this room as well. my mind registered and I sighed.

My heart aching a bit. I kept the plate aside and stood up. My feet feeling cold on the tiled floor as I walked up to the dressing table. A small smile crept on my lips as I stared at my belly.

I am pregnant.. the thought warmed my heart as I rest my hand on my belly.

"I can't see you yet.." I whispered to myself and shook my head at myself.

"It'll take some time, huh?" I asked myself as I sighed and sat down on the chair. I blinked as my eyes rest on my fingers, the rings.

I brought my hand towards me as I stare at the diamond ring and band on my ring finger.

"These blue roses aren't real, but my love for you is real, Noor."

A tear rolled down my eyes and dropped on my fingers as I gulped and looked up in the mirror.

I ran my hands through my hair and looked around before walking up to the bed and sitting down, leaning back a little. I felt my heart heavier with every second.

"Ammar.." I whispered and as on cue the door opened. My eyes flickered to the door and Ammar walked in.

I sat up a little straighter. My eyes caught his grey ones as he walked in, he unbuttoned the first two-button of his black shirt as he stood by the end of the bed.

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