Chapter 1.

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Noor's POV:


I looked at the girl who was walking down the stairs, her hair flowing in the air as she laughed about something. I straightened my posture while sitting on this bench and fixed my hijab a little.

Her earphones were in her ears, seems like she is talking to someone. She looked my way and I looked away. I sighed lightly and look around the university. My class got cancelled so I just came out and sat here, slight wind making me feel better, while I look at different students go from here to there. I mean studying people was kind of my hobby. Hope it doesn't sound creepy.

Just then Azaan started. I looked down at my wrist watch and stood up, dusting my knee length shirt as I stood up from the bench and made my way to the university's prayer room. The place I love.

"Noori!" a smile came to my lips as I look back at the call from my best friend. I smiled as she walked fastly towards me.

"I won't be joining in Namaz today." She said causing my smile to fall.

"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms and she sighed.

"Everyone is going to have lunch." She informed and I rolled my eyes before turning around and started walking again. I heard her groan.

"Come'on Noor, you can't always be like this." I stepped in the prayer room, my hands rolling my sleeves upwards as I get ready for ablution.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her for a brief moment stopping at what I was doing. She huffed.

"I want to go to lunch and you are being upset, but I want to go." She said with exaggerated sigh and I smiled at her.

"You are feeling bad?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Of course! You are making me feel bad. I will offer salah later. What's the big deal. I will pray. But not just right now." She explained. I smiled and rest my hands on her arms as I look at her.

"Faiqa. It's not me who is making you feel bad that you are ignoring Salah for now to go for lunch." I said slowly and she blinked at me.

"It's your heart. Your good heart tugs whenever salah time is being passed away and you aren't praying when you can. We all have this guilt, just few decide to act upon it." I explained and she sighed. A small smile came to her lips and she nodded. I walked away to offer ablution and heard her footsteps coming behind me. I looked at her and she laughed lightly.

"Food can wait. Lets thanks WHO has given us food to start with." She said rolling her sleeves upwards and I smiled at the cute girl, known as my best friend.


Mr. Khalid's POV

(New York City.)

"Steve, tell me where he is." I asked maintaining my calm posture and Steve looked down at the floor.

"I mean it Mr. Khalid I have no idea where Ammar is." He said in a shaking voice, trembling under my glare probably but I could care less.

"Out." I said and he walked away instantly. The door to my office closed and I sighed audibly as I leaned back on my chair.

"He will be a death of me." I whispered, raising my hand to massage my temples when I heard my mobile rang. I picked it up to find my wife calling.

"Salam." I greeted picking up the call and heard her saying something to our servants.

"She will arrive morning tomorrow, I want everything to be perfect. Ask Rukaiya and Rabia to stay till she arrives." I waited till she was done.

"She is coming? Are you sure she agreed?" I asked as my heart gave me a slight hope and I sat straighter in my chair, suddenly feeling a tad better.

"Yeah." I can literally hear her smile in her words.

"Shahnaz called and said that she agreed. I am so happy, Khalid. I just can't wait until she arrives here. We can finally do something for Malik brother." She said in relief and I smiled, my eyes raising and settled on the picture on the wall. I nodded and stood up.

"You are right, Samiha. After all these years I can finally do something for his daughter. I hope he will be happy in Jannah to see us taking care of his only daughter." I said as I walked towards the photo frame of me with my late best friend.

"Malik brother has helped you in your darkest times. This is really little we can do for him." I smiled at her words and nodded.

"Come home, don't stay at work late tonight as well." She said and I sighed, turning away I walked to the glass wall of my office. My eyes focused at the bright city in front me yet my heart felt the darkness again as I shut my eyes.

Standing tall on the 30th floor of Ammar Tower Construction office, I still feel low. Low and helpless.

"Are you worried for.." her voice wavered and I opened my eyes.

"Yes. I am worried for Ammar. He promised me yesterday that he will concentrate on work but today again he is gone. I waited for him at the meeting for four hours. He dint came neither did the presentation he was preparing." I said lowly and heard her gasp.

"He told me he will be there. Khalid he promised me." Samiha said and I walked back to my chair.

"And as usual he broke his promise." My words hurt me cause it was about my only son. But the truth of them was even bitter.

"I will finish work and be home by midnight." I said and hung up before she could convince me to be home for dinner.

My hands worked as I loosed my tie and unbuttoned my collar button as my eyes focused on the laptop. I saw my own reflection in the screen and sighed. Sons are supposed to help the fathers retire and have a calm life whereas as my son... I shook my head and focused on working on the project he was supposed to work on. I am old but not dead yet.. maybe he will learn to live when I die.


Noor's POV:


"Byeee!" Faiqa said as I stepped down her car and I smiled at her before closing the door.

"ALLAH Hafiz." She nodded with a sheepishly smile.

"Sorry, ALLAH Hafiz! See you tomorrow at Uni!" And she drove off. I smiled and shook my head. Always in hurry.

"In shaa ALLAH." I whispered and turned around to walk in the gates to my house. I walked up to the porch and smile slightly faded when I saw a suitcase by the door. I frowned and adjust the my hijab as I walked in the house. My eyes meeting Shahnaz aunty's right away.

"Assalamual-" my words cut off as she gave me a cruel smile and said.

"You are leaving! Oh finally! I am so happy! Get ready in five minutes- we are leaving for airport." She walked to the kitchen blabbering all of this as I stayed rooted to my spot and my eyes followed her with silent shock.

"W-what.. to where?" I asked in hurry as I followed her and found her picking her hand bag, I frowned at her when she looked at me with frustrated expressions.

"To your Owners." She said and walked passed me. My eyes widened and I held her arm to stop her from walking out of the house.

"Owners?" I asked shocked and she smiled fakely at me.

"You have been sold baby doll." She winked and I swear for a moment my heart stopped.



I hope you like it so far..

The story has finally begin..

I line for this chapter..?

Anyone wants next chapter? Do tell me..



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