Chapter 48.

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Assalamualayku wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatahu..

Previously on Blue Roses.

"Wait, it's not over yet." She said and looked at me.

"Then..?" I asked and she sighed.

"It just started, Noor. From that moment my story just started.." she whispered as a tear rolled down her puffy eyes and I felt my sabr ticking..

How worse did it get..


Noor's POV:

"Rukaiya.. you should get some rest.." I said lowly after several minutes of silence has passed. She fell silent after saying that from that moment her story began. I was sitting silently waiting for her to say more but it seemed like she was suffering in quiet screams once again. Her puffy eyes and reddened face was tearing my heart every second but she was like a glass doll. She was broken into so many small pieces and she put all her pieces back together alone. And now if not managed with care, I was scared I would make a crack further and it will hurt, more than it already does..

"I stood there, not knowing what to do. I was shocked with the news, I thought I would kill them both, my anger was out of control but before I could scream at them they started to laugh at me." Rukaiya said and looked at me. I nodded slowly and she took in a deep breath.

"They had it planned, all of it." She whispered and I felt my heart beats increasing, what had they planned?

"What..?" I voiced my thought and she looked out of the window again.

"They told me that they were expecting me there and Halima stood while Rehan came closer to me and I stood unmoved. I know maybe I should have tried to run away earlier but I wasn't thinking that everything that happened with me was a full proof plan. I was thinking I was betrayed.." she trailed off and a fresh tear rolled down her red swollen tired eye as she looked at me with so much pain on her face that my heart broke ad tears welled up in my eyes.

"But I was trapped, Noor." She whispered and I felt my lower lip tremble as I shook my head.

" What did they do, Rukaiya.." I whispered as I tried to stay calm and looked down at the floor.

"They took everything," she looked up and tiltled her face a little at side as she spoke, " they took my everything." She said and leaned back her head on the wall. I gulped and wiped my tears.

"I am listening." I said and she nodded.

"He injected me with some strange drug after they both dragged me to their bedroom. I was scared and yelling on top of my lungs but his one slap made the world spin, or maybe it was the drug in my veins. I blinked heavily with my heavy lids. It was like rocks on my eyes until I drop unconscious." I rest my hand over hers on her knees, she stayed unmoved and spoke further.

"I woke up after a day may be, I lost the track if time after the fourth time he injected me. I remember I would wake up, make a little sound and I was injected once more. I was out of my senses all that time. I remember little to nothing but I do remember the one time I woke up and he didn't injected me, instead there was another man standing there, he looked aged. I sat up with the support of the wall, and that's when I realized I was kept in the basement.

I was wearing the same dress from before when I came to Rehan's home but I felt weak, too weak to hit him or even move. I frowned and kept staring at the two tall figure looking at me. I gulped, my mind stirring new nightmares, I thought he was going to sell me to this old man but it was not the reality." She stopped and shut her eyes, as if imagining the whole scenario again. I looked down at the mobile and saw the call was still going on, I hope Ammar listen to this with a strong heart. She is his baby sister and so much has happened with her. While he or his family never noticed. I feel bad, for him that he would be very guilty but I feel awful for this girl who had been through so much. Alone and helplessly.

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