Chapter Thirty-One

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*Chapter Thirty-One*

*Not Edited*

*Victoria P.O.V.*

I woke in Michael's arms. It was nice. Everytime I think that I have pushed him to to the breaking point. The point where he would leave me. He surprises me. I am definitely one lucky girl. Which brought my mind to to the other reason I feel so lucky. Damon. He was a little upset about skipping his night, but we had decided that Micheal should have some extra comfy time.

I slid out of Michael's arms and did my morning routine. My hair was still wrapped in a towel when I heard the angry squalling from Alyssa's room. Apparently she had decided that she had waited long enough. I ran a comb quickly through my hair, and was already heading to her room as I braided it quickly. Multi-tasking at it's best.

Her morning needs met, she and I headed downstairs. A hearty breakfast was called for. So we got busy. The boys filtered downstairs and all looked adorable. Jacob with his flying in all directions, his eyes sleepy, but curious of the aromas floating through the house. Michael came next, matching his son, the only difference other than age of course, was the smile on his face. Then Damon, he didn't look at all himself. His hair was mussed, and he had a grumpy expression on his face.

It lightened up when he saw me, his eyes lost that hard look, and his mouth softened in a smile. He immediately walked to me, his arms wrapping around my waist, his face burying into my neck. I could feel the tension in him leave as he took me in. the feel of me against his chest, the scent of me. He gave a decidedly wolfy sigh and placed a gentle kiss on my neck.

"Good morning mate." he whispered in my ear, and like always, his voice caused a shiver to run down my spine. He rubbed a hand across my tummy "Good morning pup." He followed those words with a kiss to my cheek before heading to the table. A ruffle of Jacob's bedhead, and a raspberry on Alyssa's cheek and he sat down.

I just did my usual, plating for my family, what was unusual was the faces of the men. They saw me handling three plates at once and wore equally irritated looks.

Michael was the first to jump up surprisingly. Followed by Damon. They came at me, one on each side and I am blaming my hormomes on this, but it was hot. So hot the way they came at me with those intense looks on their faces. Sandwiching me between them, they gave me a glare and took the plates from me. I hadn't registered much ater the sandwiching. Just the feel of both of them presed against me, just did it for me. I was no longer hungry for breakfast, let me tell you.

When I woke from my daze, realizing my arms were now empty, I turned back to the counter to get the rest of breakfast. Once again, the men came, taking the rest of the plates from me.

"Is this one your's?" Damon asked me staring at my plate. It seemed fine, so why was he glaring at it?

"Yes." I answered slowly, confused on why he was looking at it like it was a biological disaster.

"This isn't enough. Go sit down, and I will bring you your plate." Well, alrighty then. Mr. Bossy Pants. I grumpily made my way to the table, making sure Alyssa was handling her food fine. The heavy thump of a plate landed in front of me, and I stared aghast at it. The poor thing was well past maximum occupancy. Piled high with breakfast meats, and what looked like a half-dozen eggs.

"There's no way I'm going to be able to eat all this!" I gasped. What was he trying to do? Fatten me up?

"You'll be surprised how much your body is going to need. Were pups develop faster than regular babies. You're going to be eating alot more. Mostly protein." Damon stated, what did he spend all night doing? Reading? Maybe there's a "What To Expect When You're Expecting a Werewolf". You never know. There are weirder things out there. I was right, I didn't eat it all, but surprisingly, I did eat most of it.

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