Chapter Fifteen

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Songs for this Chapter:

You are in Love- Taylor Swift

Fool's Gold- One Direction (I am loving this song so much,one of my fav's!)

New Romantics- Taylor Swift

Spaces-One Direction

No Control- One Direction

[These are literally the only two albums I've been listening to since they came out. Gaah I just love them so,so much!]

I scream. I scream as loud as my voice is capable of articulating. My heart beats loudly,thudding against my chest and fear flows through my veins like the normality of blood. The car somersaults as Harry pushed his foot on the breaks and all I can think of at the moment is to pray. My head hits the dashboard and sends a wave of pain through me. As on cue, the airbag deploys. I pray,I pray indefinitely . The car bashes against the road once more, when finally, everything halts to a stop. I look up, my body still in shock. 

I look over to the driver's seat, to find Harry laying against the window with blood running down his cheek.

"Harry!" I yell, screaming and hoping for some sort of response.

It takes him a few seconds to look up, and I am more than relieved when he does.

"Are- are You okay?" He asks, holding his hand to his neck, where the source of blood emerges from.

"Oh my god, Harry." I am shocked to find the blood pouring out of the wound which adorns his neck. I hastily unbuckle my seat-belt (mentally thanking myself that I took the precaution to buckle up in the first place) and head and move closer to him, so I can have a better view of the wound.

"Valerie,are you okay?" He moves my hand away from his neck and interjects my scrutinizing on his wound. He stares at me dead in the eye.

"Harry I'm fine, but you're not! We need to get to the hospital,Harry you're not okay," I say in panic,as I feel myself breaking.


"You can go in now Ms.Stewart." The nurse tells me and I rush through the door to Harry's ward.

I just had a precautionary examination, and thankfully there was no serious harm done. I left with a few bruises and scratches, but nothing life-threatening. Although, I'm not sure if the same applies to Harry.

When I enter the ward, Harry is sitting upright in the bed. A bandage adorns his neck, where the cut was visible.

"Hi." He says in an exhausted tone.

"Hi. How are you holding up?" I ask, approaching his side.

"I'm alright. They prescribed me some meds for the whiplash.The cut, thankfully, wasn't too deep. The doc said the cut happened because I turned my head and hit the steering wheel at an alarming speed, so my neck basically scraped against it and I got cut since the airbag popped. He said it's nothing to worry about." Harry informs me, and I am relieved his injuries were not worse.

"That's good, at least it's nothing worse. What about your car?" I ask, afraid to hear the answer.

"They took it to the scrap-yard, it was a write it off. But I'll sort it out with insurance claim." He replies sleepily.

A nurse walks in and smiles, informing Harry and I that we are free to leave, and to immediately rush to hospital if there are any sort of further injuries, or overall just for personal precaution.

Harry calls Louis to pick us up. It is only at that moment that I realize it's almost one in the morning, and I am clueless as to how I will wake up for work tomorrow. 

For a minute, I think of taking the day off , but immediately reject my thoughts. I have just started working for NYFA and I can't take advantage by taking a day off. Fair enough, I was involved in an accident, but I am perfectly fine.

"Louis will be here in ten." Harry informs me, after he finishes his call with Louis.

Harry and I sit in the reception area, where people sit lazily, a few people focused on their phones whilst some others read the usual magazine.

Harry sits close next to me. I yawn, and push my head back onto the chair as I close my eyes for a little while.

I wake up to the tapping of someone's hand on my shoulder, and I find it to be Louis, standing there with worry and exhaustion etched across his face. I wake up and rub my eyes furiously.I realize that I fell asleep on Harry's shoulder, whilst he rests his head on my head, also in a deep slumber. We both awake.

"Well aren't you two just the cutest." Louis remarks and Harry and I snicker in unison.

Harry awakes from the chair and Louis places his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Bro, what happened?" Louis says,his expression changing to concerned.

Harry explains how the opposing car swung and avoided the crash, but we hit against the railings and somersaulted.

Louis is gobsmacked and asks about both of our health's.

After we ensure Louis that we are fine, he drops us home in his car.

Sitting in his car again makes me nervous and afraid of a reliving of our previous encounter.

Nevertheless, we reach home safely and Louis tells us to just call him if we need anything. After saying our goodbyes, for the second time tonight, we head towards the elevator.

An eerie silence squeezes through the small space before Harry finally speaks, "I'm sorry." 

I look at him in disbelief, why on Earth is he apologizing to me?

"Sorry? For what?" I ask him.

"Tonight.We had such a great time and then..." He ruffles his hair nervously.

"It was in no way your fault, Harry. That could have happened to anyone. And it could have been worse you know," I reassure him and he smiles.

He smiles a dull smile, one that doesn't make his dimples indent as deeply as they sincerely do, one that doesn'y make his eyes crinkle and I can't help but  wish it was his normal, sincere, beautiful one.

The elevator 'dings' at our floor and we walk down the hallway together. 

We stop midway, in between both of our front doors. 

"If you need a ride tomorrow morning, I could drive you." I offer, feeling slightly guilty, as he doesn't currently have a car.

"It's fine, I can get Louis to pick me up." He says and I nod.

I reach into my bag, grabbing my keys and unlocking my door. Right before i open it, Harry stops me . I turn around, and he stares me directly in the eye. He's about to say something, but stops himself, before finally saying, "Uh...good night Valerie." 

I smile at him, and reply, "Good Night Harry." 

He nods, before we both open our doors and walk our separate ways, leaving us both to deal with our senseless thoughts. 

Happy 23rd Birthday Louis! <3

And the Halerie ship has just set sail.

Love you all!


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