Chapter Six

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This can't be my invitation! Could it? I looked around the room frantically, assuring that I was still the only one in the room. Harry's bedroom door was still shut.I flicked the envelope around in my other hand, checking over the front. To even more of a surprise, there was no address on the front. It was completely blank!

"Find anything good?" I flinched, jerking backwards, and almost knocking over the small coffee table in the process.

I turned around to face Harry. He wore an angry demeanor, much like he had the first time I'd met him. His hair was tied up in a Bandanna, which covered most of his head and knotted neatly at the side. It suited him. 

"What?" I said anxiously.

He took a step forward, backing me up against the wall.

I had never considered myslf scared of Harry, so why is it that this was suddenly changing?

"Find anything good?" He spoke again, in a whispering tone. "You know. Digging through my fucking mail!" His pitch raised drastically, and I jerked backwards, my head hitting the wall.

He stepped even closer,  now only a minimal gap between us.

My knees were shaking, I had goosebumps all over, and my heart was racing as if it were the Matrix. 

I didn't know what to do.

Should I yell for help?

Should I call someone?

I hardly even know this can I trust him?

It was after my racing thoughts when his actions truly shocked me.

"You're scared" He concluded; after gently rmoving his hand up my arm. His tone was much more gentle. Maybe even comforting? Suddenly all my doubts about him were washed away. He didn't seem the type of person to do anything.

He ran his fingers through his hair. Well, whatever of it he could.

"Why are you scared?" He asked, staring intensely into my eyes yet again.

I shrugged. 

"I don't know." I didn't know what else to say.

"That's messed up" He breathed.

I placed the letter and envelope down on his coffee table, trying to avoid the much too awkward situation.

He didn't seem to notice, he was facing the windows, his back towards me.

I let out a long sigh. He turned around, facing me, running his fingers over his lips.

"sorry i went through your mail. It was none of my business. I just...I just thought it looked familiar that's all " I explained, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

He muttered something, I couldn't quite make out the words...but I think they sounded like "You better be sorry" Well I was. And he was angry, clearly.

I got up from the couch which I'd recently took place on, and yawned.

"I'm gonna go." I explained simply.

"No coffee?" He offered.

"Well you're clearly in no mood for coffee" I muttered sarcastically.

"It's not even that late. And tomorrow's Sunday so you can't say you have work" He was right, it wasn't all that late, and I didn't have work tomorrow.

"Why should I stay?" I asked playfully.

"Because you're all alone in your fancy little apartment and you rather drink coffee with your college badass neighbour" He smiled, dimples showing.

This was the second time I'd seen him smile, and forgive me for saying this, but it's something i really wouldn't mind getting used to.

"'re still in college?" i said in surprise.

"I'm in my final year" He said, sitting on the couch beside me, and I sat down again.

"Oh. What're you studying?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Harry seems such a mystery. One minute he was smiling and joking around, the next he almost got me thinking he was going to murder me. I couldn't help but think he was bipolar. I smiled, brushing off of my thoughts.

"Computer Science." He said, getting up and approaching the kitchen.

"What? YOU? A computer geek? No way!" I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah? And what about you?" He challenged.

I bit my lip. "I'm a CA." I said in a low tone.

"You're an accountant? What? No way!" He said, mirroring my previous actions."But really though. I thought you liked art. Seeing by how many damn paintbrushes you own!" 

"Yeah...well you can't always have what you want I guess." I generalized the subject.

He nodded, pouring coffee into both mugs.

I didn't really only drink organic green tea, I would have coffee once in a while, but you couldn't exactly call me an addict.

The rest of the night was filled with a few stories from the past, I shared with him my college experiences, and he shared with me his. It didn't really disturb me that he was still in college, he was actually one of the most mature and intelligent people I've met.

"So what do you paint then?" He asked, sipping on his coffee.

"You really like asking questions don't you." I fired.

"You're one to talk." He snarled, before we both giggled .

"Just...anything that comes to my head." I shrugged.

It was true.

In my paintings I would paint whatever would pop up in my head, whatever picture in my head that would be, i would paint. I wasn't really one of those people who would paint every single event in their lives that showed either sorrow or pain. I would try and focus mainly on positivity in my art. Which isn't the easiest thing to do. But painting made me happy, so why not express happiness in my paintings?

He nodded again.

After some time, I decided it was time to head back to my apartment. Which was just across the hall. 

I had enjoyed tonight. Harry really was a nice person. Excluding his awful remarks and continuous swearing, but he was okay.

After locking my door and switching off all the lights around the apartment, I went to bed.

I shuffled around my bed, trying to close my eyes. 

But each time I closed them I would open them right back, I was not tired.

Several minutes later and my eyelids still aren't even close to what may seem heavy.

Now I remember one of the reasons why I wasn't too fond of coffee, it keeps me up.

I groan, turning to the opposite side of the bed, the duvet hanging completely off the side.

I decide to check my phone, that will maybe make me a little tired.

I grab my phone from the bedside dresser and unlock it, I've got two new text, both from Connor.

I click on them.

It isn't really anything important, just something about my Dad . I didn't have the energy to read it, the white screen was too difficult to focus on, so i placed it back on the dresser.

I don't know how long it took me to fall asleep, but when I did, it was the best sleep I'd had in a very long time.

Deception *h.s*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz