Chapter One

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I stomp my foot down on the level ground, sighing with exhaustion. I've been up these stairs far too many times by now, carrying these heavy boxes filled with all my belongings. 

I carry the heavy object and reach my door, trying to balance my hands between the box and the doorknob. 

I hear a door slam behind me and I flinch, dropping the box idiotically.

I turn around to find the source of the loud noise, my eyes locking with a similar pair of green ones.

His head was covered in a mop of unruly curls, framing his face. He held in his hand an iPhone. Wearing a pair of tight skinny jeans and an angry demeanor.

I looked away quickly, regaining my focus on the spewed contents of the box.

" You paint? " I looked up to find the boy's figure towering mine.

He knelt down slowly helping me to return the paint brushes and paint tubes scattered across the floor into the box.

"A little" I replied politely.

I felt his eyes on me for a few seconds, before he looked back down at the floor, picking up my possessions.

His close presence suddenly ceased after our brief silent moments.

He stood up, walking down the hall staring back at his iPhone. 

"What's your name" I asked boldly, a little louder than my normal speaking tone.

"Harry" He stated simply, after stopping in his tracks.

He shoved his hand  in his pocket and ruffled his hair.

"I'm Valerie" I smiled.

"Valerie." He repeated. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have somewhere to be." He snapped.

 I nodded, picking up the box from the floor and heading into my apartment.

I sighed as I entered the huge space, staring at the numerous boxes covering the floor .

Just on cue, my phone began to vibrate in my pocket.

I rolled my eyes, staring at the screen for a few moments  before answering.

"Hi " I say in a tired voice.

"Valerie! How are you? How's Manhattan? How's the apartment I chose?" He said all at once.

"Good. Everything's good" I cut short.

"Wonderful! I'll be transferred to New York in about 2 months so for the meanwhile you'll be hanging in there alone."

"I know . My mom told me "

"Oh" Was all he replied.

"Well I have to unpack. Talk later? "

"Yep"  He replied, before hanging up.

Connor, my fiance' .

I stared at the boxed and groaned.

I started from on end of the room, unpacking things I seemed to forget I even owned.

From pillows, to books, to little trinket boxes. It took me atleast 3 hours to finally get settled in.

I didn't want to be here.

I didn't want to live in this massive apartment in this  busy city.

But i guess that's just it.

Sometimes you don't get what you want or desire. 

My brain is overloaded and I can't stand all the frustration. I walk over to the corner of the bedroom and gently pick up a canvas, careful not to drop the others. I take hold of the paint and brushes, and head to the kitchen . I sit on the high bar stool, setting out all the materials on the counter.

It's half an hour later and I'm engrossed in this fascinating, non-existent reality where all life is defined by the richness of color. The beautiful radiance of the sunset, overpowered by the darkness of the clouds. The beauty of the sea overpowered by the dullness of the rain. The sun overpowered by the moon. The picture is a mix of happiness and despair, awakening the souls of the demons whilst in the exact frame, summoning the angels with radiance and perfection.

I drop my brushes down, and wipe my forehead with the back of my hand, breathing out a sigh. I clean my brushes and palettes, placing them in their original space. 

Well..what now? My sub-conscience interrupted the silence.

I walked towards the bedroom, closing the door shut before I jumped in the shower.

Usually, the hot water would ease my stress or discomfort. Not today. Today, the pain and agony was indescribably large. Consuming me almost. 

I turned the water off after a few minutes and headed out, padding my feet to the unfamiliar closet. 

I changed into my pajamas, just a simple pair of black pants and a loose black sweater. It was pretty cold now.

I grabbed a hairbrush from the almost empty draw and ran it through my hair, padding my feet through the apartment , towards the kitchen. 

"I like what you've done with the place" I jumped, dropping my hairbrush.My gaze shifted towards the door .

There stood  Harry, both hands shoved in his pockets.

"How'd you get in?" I asked, picking up the brush from the floor.

"The door was unlocked" He replied simply."

"What're you doing here anyway?" I said firmly.

"Nothing. Just welcoming you to the neighbourhood." He half-smiled. One of his dimples popped out.

" that we're acquainted . Could you please leave?" I asked in the nicest way possible.

"Jesus! Fine! No need to go all crazy on me."  What on earth did he want?

"Good night!" He called before slamming the door shut. Leaving me bewildered.


I reach for my phone, desperate to cease the aggravating sound of my alarm. I reach for it and switch it off, rolling back to the other side of the bed, rubbing my eyelids. 

I'd hardly got any sleep last night, all alone in this place.

I couldn't wrap my head around Harry.

Our little encounter yesterday was quite peculiar..

I don't understand what he was trying to accomplish by welcoming himself into my apartment..

I shake my head, ridding of the mind-boggling questions. 

I stood up from my bed, sighing, walking towards my mirror.

A timid little girl formed in the mirror, staring back at me . Her little pigtails framing her face. She held a short stature, dressed in a plaid dress. 

Suddenly, reality a struck and this little girl was no longer a little girl. She was me. She was no more this innocent, foolish little mind. She was me. She was no more this free and happy being. Indeed, she was me.

Deception *h.s*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora