Chapter Twelve

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Songs for the Chapter:

Blue Jeans- Lana Del Rey

Ultraviolence- Lana Del Rey

SKy Full of Stars- Coldplay

Never get To Heaven- Sarah Blaine

Happy Little Pill- trxye

Two weeks pass.

The air has become slightly colder, the atmosphere crisper, and my heart heavier.

I returned back home to Manhattan a week ago on Sunday and was back at work the next day. 

I have not seen Harry since I've got back. I've seen him in the hallway and in the elevator a few times, which was thankfully recently repaired, but the conversation was small. Something seems off about him. He's hardly around, and he isn't as...curious anymore. 

The first day I moved into this apartment I remember when he welcomed himself in, no doubt scaring the crap out of me.

Work has been usual, boring. I've been talking more often to my colleagues at work. Well, I guess I could call them friends. 

I've learned that Jesy is a really experimental person, daring to change her hair colour ever so often. Joey is the in-house comedian, always lightening the mood with a silly pun or two. Michael is polite, a little quiet at times. Cassandra is extremely talkative, which fits in with her job as receptionist, she's a sucker for the lastest gossip.

On Tuesday I went out with Jesy to lunch, we bought Domino's Pizza. Turns out she's dealing with a bad breakup and needed a friend to vent out to. I didn't mind . 

"I mean" She said, swallowing the bite of pizza. "I technically didn't do anything wrong. I wasn't even dating the guy. I mean I was, but he was being so shady and secretive and I was drunk. He's not even listening to me anymore. He should at least hear me you, you know?" She gushed.

"Yeah. Totally.  It's like you were just caught up in the wrong moment and now you feel guilty, but also annoyed because you didn't mean anything." I reply, but her breakup isn't what consumes my thoughts .

"Exactly! God, you give great advice." She praised, flailing her hands up drmatically. 

The week seemed to drag on. Each day having seemingly the same routine. I made sure I phoned my mother daily, just to make sure she was okay. I wanted more than anything to stay with her, to be there for her. I was so afraid, I still am afraid that she's not as okay as she says she is. She insisted on me going back home, saying that Connor is there, and I have work to get back to. I was very reluctant, but eventually ended up agreeing, after Connor convinced me he would be there and that I had nothing to worry about. I'm still worried though, because soon he's going to be moving here to Manhatten into my apartment, before the wedding. He's curently still sorting things out at work, since he had to give the company one months' notice of him leaving .

 On Thursday I met Harry on the way up to the apartment in the elevator. It was raining again.

"Hi" I breathed, clutching my body tightly with my arms.

"Hey" He said, his hair dripping from his forhead. He wore a white t shirt, which clung to his body because of the draining weather. He stared at his phone, barely acknowledging that I was there.

"How was Philadelphia?" He finally asks, pocketing his phone.

"It was okay." I smile.

The elevator 'dinged' and we walked towards our apartments, him opening his door acorss from mine, and vice versa. 

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