Chapter Seven

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Waking up to my alarm clock was not the most ideal way to awake. I hated the annoying,screeching,beeping noise which flared through the room at a heart-racing pitch. I squinted my eyes at my phone, adjusting my eyes to the light, and switching my alarm off.

There was no beautiful sun peaking through my curtain, shadowing through my dull room. It was dull, all-round. The leaves were now turning a crispy brown, making a scrunching sound beneath your feet. The air was a little colder than usual, but not cold as I loved it to be. 

That was one good thing about the wedding, it was in Winter. 

Sighing, I grasped all my energy and lifted myself from the bed, sitting with my feet touching the icy cold tiles. 

That too, was dull. Just a simple plain white prcelain tile. Modern, yes. But definitely boring.

The only color which gladly made it's way into my large bedroom were my paintings which I'd hung a little on the wall, next to the dresser. The rest were just hidden behing the door. I still need to find a place for those.

I ran into the bathroom, taking along whatever warmth I held with me. 

The shower water thankfully made up for the weather, warming me instantly. I guess I finally got the hang of how to work this tap properly.

A little proud, I grab my towel and head off into my bedroom, choosing something to wear for today.

I eventually decided on some skinny jeans, my black ankle boots and my favorite cream sweater which had the word 'Love' stitched in cursive. I tied my hair in a bun, in no mood to do anything with it properly.

I walked into the kitchen and decided on getting myself some cereal, only to find, that I was all out.

Murfey's Law,huh?

I contemplated, swinging back and forth on my feet.

I grabbed my purse and my phone and headed out of my apartment, locking it, and placing the key into my ourse.

I needed to do some shopping anyways.

Harry seemed to be asleep still, well, as I would predict. His door was still shut, not a single peep being heard from it.

The hall was quiet, an old woman who looked in her middle-sixties was the only one who accompanied me in the elevator, which had just recently been fixed.

I opened my car, and drove off to the nearest Target.

I was a quick shopper, i made decisions quickly like that. Although, contrasting much deeply to that, I was one of the most indecisive people when it ever came to major life-changing decisions.

A box of corn flakes, a carton of milk, some coffee, a few veggies and a  loaf of bread later, I was alongside a few people waiting at a till-point to pay for the items.

The lady behind the counter was tall, and looked very tired, telling from the dark circles beneath her eyes. She had a husky voice, and messy hair. I felt sorry for the woman. 

"Here's your hange Miss" She said in exhaustion. I smiled at her, although she didn't smile back in return.

The drive back home was short and boring.

I unlocked my door, trying to balance my groceries in my hand, while trying to unlock my door.

The door slammed behind me, causing me to almost drop the brown paper bag I held in my hands, and my key.

"You've got to stop doing that!" I said in exasperation, turning to face Harry. He also looked a little tired.

"Doing what?" He yawned.

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