Chapter Eleven

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Songs for this Chapter: 

Seven Lions- Strangers

One DIrection- Fireproof

Lana Del Rey- Summertime Sadness

Lana Del Rey- Dark Paradise

Fancy- Charli XCX and Iggy Azalea

"What?" I raise my voice. 

"I don't get why you're so upset anyway, I mean. he just lives across the hall, right?" He furrows his brow, quoting my words from earlier. 

I hate this. I hate how controlling and paranoid he is. I am beyond frustrated now. He has no right to check through my phone. And in all honesty, I really do have nothing to hide. Harry and I are just friends. It was just a simple misunderstanding.

"Connor, please just stop." I breathe in exhaustion.

"I'm gonna head out." He says coldly, before walking out of my old room. Making sure he slammed the door on his way out.

I wonder what Harry was texting, or rather, why he was so worried and sent so many messages in the first place.

I'm far too tired and frustrated to give any of it time to think about, so I lay on my bed and fall asleep.

I wake up with my phone alarm, a stiff neck and feeling slighlty uncomfortable. I look down at my body to see I'm still in my clothes from yesterday. I didn't even change into my pajamas.

I walk towards the bathroom and peel off my clothes, stepping into the shower. The water is not very hot, much to my displeasure.

I walk into the kitchen a few minutes later and decide to make myself a cup pf tea. I sit down in the lounge and ponder over last night's events.

Connor overreacted, of course. I just do not understand why he has to be so dominant and crude.

I take another sip from the cup .

I got lost in my thoughts. Thinking so deeply . Thinking about my father, about how he had such high expectations of me. What if he doesn't wake up? What if he isn't here to see me live my life the way he wanted to? What would happen to my mother? 

I walk towards our vintage heater and switch it on as I sit in a crouching position,holding my knees to my chest. The air tuns warm and crisp after a few minutes . 

I get up from the floor and walk towards the sink, washing the cup and walking towards my old room. The wooden floorboards creak as I walk through the door.

I sit down on my bed and take my phone from my bedside table. I'm about to go through my messages when my mother knocks on my door.

"Up so early?" She asks, yawning.

I nod. 

"Did you eat anything?" She asks .

"Yeah. I made some tea." I say, placing my phone back down on my bed.

"Is Connor coming over for dinner tonight?" She says.

"I don't know." I say blankly.

It's as if I have no emotion anymore. As if I am numb. I have no emotion, and yet I feel everything at once. I feel incomplete, irritated even. Something doesn't feel right. Something isn't right. I shrug it off, thinking that it's just about my Dad.

"Are you  okay?" She asks, looking at me in concern and walking further into the room.

"Yeah" I say, giving her a smile . "I'm fine."  She is hesitant, but she walks out of my room at last.

The day seems to go by wasted, almost as if the clock is ticking twice as fast as it's supposed to. 

I set down two plates at the dinner table, Connor couldn't make it. Said he had to sort out a few things.

I am too tired to concentrate, it's as if this entire situation is draining me of myself. They say you are a victim of your own mind. And right now, I am this victim. I don't want to speak, or eat, or sleep, or anything. I don't know what I want. 

After dinner, I tiredly drove my mother and I to the dull, even more so, draining hospital.

The walk to my father's ward took extremely long, and I could not accpet the fact that once I walked into the room he would not acknowldege me. I kept rethinking the situation, that maybe yesterday was just some major hallucination. Maybe I'm losing my mind. I keep repeating the situation, that I am going to walk through that door and he's going to smile at me . With that smile that mkes his eyes crinkle. But expectations are responsible for disappointments. 

I sat with my father, reassuring myself, by saying he was simply asleep.

I talked to him. I told him I loved him, and I told him about my day and how much I missed him. 

My father never showed that he cared, he was not that type of a man. But you simply knew that he did. From his actions, and the man he

I left the room when my mother was talking, figured she would want some space.

I stood in the corridor, watching the nurses go by and the other families visit their loved ones.

I leaned against the wall, sighing and closing my eyes for a little while.

A few seconds pass.

And then i hear the loud clattering of my mother's heels as she yells "Help! Someone! Something's happening!"  Her screaming, of course, helps catch the attention of a nurse .

I don't think I have ran any faster than I did at that time. 


Hii . So I haven't updated in forever, but here this is.

I know this makes no sense now, but later everything will unfold and you will understand why certain things are happening.

This chapter was dragging, and a little repititive and I'm not very happy with it. But I knew I had to update so I kind of rushed with it , and I'm really sorry if it isn't that good.

Also- understand that Valerie is  really emotional, she lost her brother before and now all this is happening to her Dad. She's lost so much and is really emotional, and doesn't know how to deal with it.

I'm sprry Harry wasn't mentioned at all in this chapter and this was pretty broing, but he will be mentioned much more later on in the book.

anyway, So who's excited about Four ?!?!? And Fireproof omggg <333.

I'm going to be starting exams super soon , so I may not update until after that, but I will try to make some time. 

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Love you !

- FlappyHarryx 

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