Chapter Five

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[Valerie's P.O.V]

"Valerie?!" He shouts over the tapping of the water and the loud claps of thunder.

"Yeah..I um...I couldn't get my car to lock." I lie pathetically.

"Well leave it! You're drenched!" He yells, trying to shelter himself with envelope of some sort.

I nod, and close my car door, following him, but locking it without his attention.

We run to the stairs, booming inside the building, our bodies slowly dripping to the floor.

"What were you doing out in the rain?" He asked, the air eventually gaining some warmth.

"The same as you." I challenged.

" So you were parking you car and yelling at a girl to get out of the rain too, huh/" He asked, raising his brow.

"Maybe.." I copied his tone and expression.

"Ah, makes sense" He replied.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Good night Harry' I said, turning the knob of my door.

"Wait!" He exclaimed. I turned around reluctantly. 

"Um...about..about that day...when..uh..Amy and I were arguing.."

"Yeah?" I urged.

"Well...I just wanted to apologize..." He trailed off, but soon regained his balance. "BUt this doesn't make us friends or anything. Amy and I are back together.." I nodded.

"I'm glad" I smiled, turning around and opening the door, entering the apartment.

I heard his door close merely seconds after mine.

I was freezing cold and my clothes were dripping to the floor.

After a hot shower, and change of clothes I decided that tonight would be an early night for me.

There was hardly anything to do around here. Funny for a busy city like Manhattan, there wasn't much to do around here. Or maybe it was just me? 

I never really understood what was the big deal about this city...everyone ranting on about going to New York City to fulfill their dreams. What's so jazzy about this place that even opens up people's minds ...

Well. If this was their dreams, there was just some passion that I lacked for two-hour standing traffic..or Cold minimilism . I instantly laugh at my thoughts.

spoken like a true farm-girl . My sub-conscience adds.

The thunder claps, the ground beneath me seeming to shake.

Seems hard to believe, but even an independant person like me is afraid of thunder.

I mean .think about the logic..

The entire skies cracking, letting out droplets of water or's almost as if the skies can't contain their anger...bursting with frustration.

But comparing the thunder to the rain...rain is always so calm..well I guess.

Everytime it rains, don't you ever look out the window and just sigh? Or stare out into the rain? It's calming. Thunder and lightning, on the other hand, is much more fierce and vicious. I guess the two complement each other. It makes it a good cotrast.

I flinch, the thunder clapping yet again.

I sit on my bed, knees to my chest.

The annoying sound screeching through the city.

I can hardly close my eyes without the sound interrupting me. 

I sigh, jumping up from my bed and heading towards the hall. Before I comprehend my own actions, I find myself lurking outside Harry's door.

What the hell am I doing?

I'm just going to ask him if I can come in...and..

What the heck am I saying?! He's probably in there with his girlfriend or something... I don't know.

I turn around heading back to my door, when Harry's door opens.

"Hey..." I speak lightly.

"Uh Hi" He says, running his fingers through his hair. A common habit of his, i notice. 

"Can't sleep?" I break the awkward silence.

" wanna come in? Have a cup of coffee, I don't know?" He shrugs.

'I only drink organic green tea." I smile.

"Wow. Your poor boyfriend." He rolls his eyes.

"Fiance' " I correct.

"Oh! Fancyyy." He exaggerates. "When's the big day then?" He asks, rubbing his thumb on his lips.

"I thought we were gonna have coffee?" I raise a brow.

"Oh..I thought you only drank organic green tea" He mocks.

"Nope. I love coffee!" I exclaim sarcastically.

"Well then." He pauses. "After you" He gestures towards the door,

I walk in.

His apartment is exactly like mine...a few decor differences but otherwise, it's fairly identicle.

What is he doing living here all alone? How old is Harry anyway?

I suddenly spot the envelope he was sheltering himself with earlier, lying on a small table next to his couch. Probably still drying out from the rain.

"So. When's your wedding?" He asks, closing the door.

"December 23rd" I explain simply.

"Ah. Winter wedding then?"

"Yep" I reply.

Harry disappears into the room, and I walk around the apartment.

I don't quite know why, but that envelope is somehow drawing me in. Harry is gone, I stare at his room door for a few seconds, before I turn to the small wooden table and carefully open the envelope.

The letter inside is a wedding invitation.

My wedding invitation.


Hi guys! So I know this book seems to be a little bit like Hidden. I admit, I started it off a little like Hidden, but the plot is entirely different. Please vote and comment! I always like hearing what you guys have to say. Thank you! xxx.

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