Chapter Four

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[Valerie's P.O.V]

The entire week has passed by, I've been busy at work, turning a corner to face yet another pile of paperwork.

It's Saturday now, and I'm more than ready to just relax. I'm unaware of what I even intend of doing..but I think I could use this time to just has been really stressful.

Thankfully, I hadn't run into Harry all time this week.We may have passed each other a few times in the hallway, but I chose to ignore his presence. I don't understand what's the big deal? I mean why am I being blamed for his relationship issues? I hardly even know him at all!

I shake my head in disbelief, waking from the kitchen bar stool, grabbing my car keys off the counter.

Where am I going?

Hell, I don't have a clue. I just crave being out of this spacious,cold apartment. It's about time I explore this buzz of a city.

I walk out into the fresh,crisp air.

I jump in my car, turning the key in the ignition.

It's about fifteen minutes later, and I have no clue where the hell I am. Not that I'm really concerned about it, I have a GPS which Connor got me...but I seemingly have an attraction to this isolated place.

A lake.

I'm surrounded my deep forestry, carpeting the land. At the end of all these trees there's a lake .

I squint my eyes, moving closer towards the water.

I reach a cozy area, and i lean down against the bark. I look to the right, and in a short distance I can see a dock, and a few canoes in sight.

I close my eyes for a few seconds, taking in this beautiful and peaceful atmosphere.

It's so different from the busy and buzzing city side.

It's absolutely breathtaking, this scenery.

The sun is peeking through the clouds, the clouds refusing to let the light shine. The trees are tall,towering over everything,but the perspective still manages to keep the beauty of the lake in sight.

I sighed, still staring at the scenic environment.

The silence soon ended though, a familiar but unexpected voice interrupting the silence.

"Hey...Valerie is it?" The familiar voice speaks.

I leaned up a little, intending to get a better view of his features.

"Hi...Michael..right?" I questioned, standing up.

"Yeah..." He paused, shoving his hands in his pockets. "My dad owns the boathouse here..hey you wanna join us?" He continued.

"No I'm okay here. I'm liking the view...but thanks for the offer" I smiled.

"'re welcome..see you at work?" He asks, slowly walking away.

I nod, before he completely turns his back and walks away.

I sit in the greenery for a few more minutes, but slowly starting to grow bored with the now familiar view.

I stand up, brushing my hands over my clothes to get rid of any grass blades.

I walk towards my car, sighing as I slip into the leather seat.

I have never been so far out of the city before...not that I've been here for a long time in the first place.        

I finally reach the apartment, stepping out into little light droplets.

It's drizzling , each little droplet of water falling onto the earth leaving it's mark,time and time again.

I feel so alone, so lost. 

I have no one to come home to everyday, to share my day's experiences or to love or to laugh with..or to cook miserably together...or to kiss and argue or live happily ever after.

That's just it though.

The simple out-play of life in all the fairy tales could simply not be any farther from the truth.

Life isn't a sing-song happy isn't only two hours where an individual undergoes approximately 50 minutes of distress, before finding true love or  solving one's problematic insanity.

What ever happens after this "happily ever after" ?

Do they ever remain so satisfied with one's love?

Do they ever grow bored of each other?

Do they ever face the undying cruelty of reality?

Everything just stays in it's frame...staying as this perfect air-brushed picture displaying eternal happiness . Reality, though, is the complete opposite. Nothing can be done without it's consequences.Everything has some twist...nothing can just simply be done..Everyone's always talking about their beautiful life experiences ... Saying how their life is so carefree...but is it really? I'm so lost in my thoughts at this very moment..but I guess that's what happens when you're all alone. My theorem is simple, continuing, I disbelieve in this perfect life, this perfect, happy vibrant place called life. Life...what does it mean? Simple..anything which encounters scientific living processes. To be alive...but why is it that life is such an unimaginable thing? Life....being educate oneself, get a job, find happiness, get married, work, have kids, clean the house, raise your them go through all that you've already experienced..until, eventually..death. What is the purpose int his life? What it the purpose, really? We all eventually experience death..but what is the point of this life when all we do is a simple regurgitation of everything. Everything's the same...everything's old,, what really is this happiness and this beauty of life that everyone keeps raving on about? Do people not ever feel sorrow? Why do they feel this need to paint this picture of such vibrancy and excellence? 

I know what you're thinking.. at my age of only twenty three years...why on Earth would I ever have such a pessimistic outlook on life? 

Well..I guess right now I really don't have anything to do I say? Ah, 'extatic' about. Life has been one hell of a road for me..

maybe I'm just being selfish?

Of course I am..there are people who are in much worse positions than I, but I believe that everyone is tested in their life in their own way..

I can't help but let the thought slowly creep in my mind...will the ways of the universe ever be in my favour ?  

"Valerie?! What the hell are you doing standing in the rain?!" I jump back to reality..which is ironic really, as my thoughts were consumed by reality. 

I look around me, and the cement underneath me is drenched in rain, slightly flooding the ground.

I hadn't even noticed the heavy rain..or the loud,booming thunder.

But of course, i did notice that familiar head of curls.

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