Chapter Ten

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Songs for This Chapter :

Every Breath You Take- Denmark + Winter

Don't Deserve You- Plumb

All of Me- John Legend

Poison and Wine- The Civil Wars

Through the Dark- One Direction

I walk towards Connor in the much too cold airport. He holds a paper which has "Valerie Stewart" inked messily in black pen.

"Hey." I smile as I reach him .

"Hey you." He smiles back before snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me in for a hug. 

The embrace does not last long. He offers me his jacket and I gladly accept it.

We reach his car a few minutes later. He places my luggage in the trunk and slips into the driver's seat.

"You want me to turn the heat on?" He asks, and I nod.

The air is cold and dull, forming dew on the windows. 

 "So, how's Manhatten ?" He asks, coughing into his arm.

"Manhatten is...good. Different. Busy,very busy." I ramble on.

"How's the apartment I picked out?" He asks, whille turning onto the highway and exiting the airport paking lot.

It's okay.

"It's great."  He smiles.

I lean my head against the window and fall into a light slumber.

It's not so long later when Connor is shaking me awake.

My eyes bolt open from the sudden movement, and I'm awake , although it doesn't seem as if I've gotten any sleep at all.

"We're here" Connor offers me a smile, and exits the car and moves towards my mother's home. I follow him.

He rings the bell which is situated on the wall next to the door knob. It makes a little ringing noise, a familiar sound. One that I haven't heard in a while.

"Valerie!" My mom gushes, immediately holding me in a warm embrace.

"Hi mom" I speak with a low volume.

She lets go, and looks at me holding my cheeks in her palms. 

"Should I get your bags?" Connor asks and I nod. 

I would have stayed with him, but I figured my mom needs me more right now. And really, I need her too. 

No matter what age, nothing really does compare to the comfort of a mother. She may be my stepmother, but she's always been a Mom to me. She was the only one whom I knew of to give the title to. It just scares me though, because now, she's broken too. How much can you possibly comfort someone when you're experiencing the exact same thing? It's scary knowing that now I'm possibly the new 'mom'. Having to be the one to comfort her, and tell her everything's going to be okay. 

I can see from the look in her eyes that she's been crying. I'm not surprised, why wouldn't she be? It is her husband, after all. And my Dad.

"Valerie," Connor breathes, and hands me my buzzing phone.

He probably picked it up from the middle console in the car, I forgot it was even there.

I look at the screen to see three missed calls from Harry, and I can't help the smile which makes it's way to my face. It quickly fades, as I realise I'm still in the room with my mother and Connor.

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